What does baby engaged feel like?

xx emma xx

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2010
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Just wondering cos today I've felt different. I feel a bit uncomfortable and down below I feel like a dull ache as if its pressure. If that makes any sense! Feels slightly similar to when your on period and have a kind of pulling pain down there. I thought it would be far too early to feel stuff like that though. If none of this makes sense just ignore me haha xx
I really have no idea lol but i assume they would be pressure so maybe your right xxx
hiya - well at 33 weeks i had a sleepless night - woke up needing a wee which hadn't previously happened - and had period like pains... went swimming the next day and it all felt different like my bump was very low down etc. When i went for check up last week (34 weeks) the midwife said the head was down and engaged... so i reckon it was that night it happened. it was def sometime between my previous appointment between 31 weeks and 34 weeks.

This is my 2nd pregnancy and they say sometimes the baby doesn't engage until right before you go into labour but a few ladies on here have had the head engage early even with their 2nd.

With my 1st i think i engaged at about 34 weeks but then i still went 10 days over and was induced so it doesn't really mean anything will happen sooner but it's great news if it's head down and going in the right direction .

hopefully they will be able to tell you at next ante-natal x x x
Thanks treeze. It defo feels different and need to pee a lot more today even though I haven't drank more than usual. I've got mw on Monday will ask her then. I kinda knew it doesn't mean I'll have him any earlier.... Damn haha obviously I don't want to go into labour now but anytime after 37 weeks would be great haha. Also my bump just feels different also. X

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