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Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2006
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April as a girl's name?

My hubby is incredibly keen. I like old fashioned names like Millie, Pheobe, Isobel, Eleanor, Violet etc and my hubby reassures me that April is in the same vane as these names. I like it, but is it tooooo old fashioned?

I am open to honest opinions, that is why I am asking...thanks peeps :hug:
I really like the name April and I had it on my name list. We decided againts it though because I was due in November :D
I love it and had it on my shortlist but OH says it would be silly with his surname (Springer) - bit too much seasonal reference :lol:
I like it :D
I don't see it as old fashioned at all. At the school where I teach there are 2 little girls called April so I think it is coming back in fashion.
it's cute and very feminine, not old fashioned in the sense that one one likes it any more, but more like grace etc, where they are very fashionable because they are old fashioned.

I think it would be beautiful x
Thanks for your replies everyone, I am certainly coming round to the idea. My OH is delighted with this thread, he thinks you are all mint! lol. bless him.
I love the name April and it would of been on my list but her middle name will be May and i cant call the baby April May :rotfl:

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