What do you think of this?-extended bf.


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2007
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I was browsing the internet and I came across this link to an article which I remeber reading in the Belfast Telegraph a few months ago


I could see myself feeding a two year old,but any older than that and I don't see the point.Was just wondering how long other bf mummies would consider feeding for
i plan to wean Dylan off when he is one and onto cows milk but i am not sure how long that will take
I partially BF Isaac into his 6month which I'd planned to do before he was born :)
Personally I think their is an age where it just looks odd, sorry, but it just does, but I do believe its apersonal choice and not for me to judge.
I always thought how fab it would be to last a year - now I'm thinking 6 months will do me just fine. While I would love to carry on longer, I'll be going back to work which is an hours commute either way, and I've already had to give him extra formula for the 6pm feed as he is just too hungry. This bottle helps him sleep a little longer too as up until just before Christmas he was still waking every couple of hours in the night and to be honest I was starting to resent it, so better to supplement one feed than get annoyed and give up completely.
Who's to say it's wrong though if both mother and child are happy. It looks odd yes, but if more people did it, it would become the norm and we wouldn't bat an eyelid. Me personally I would have been happy to go until age 1, 18 months at a push... but much beyond 2, or when they are properly in playgroup/preschool... not my thing tbh. I'm not saying it's not healthy or right, but it's not how I would parent.
I'd have to say it would be weird to bf'd someone who can talk. It's weird enough bfing someone who can walk... :rotfl: I finally stopped bfing Tia at 10 months although I intended to make it to a year as that was the department of Healths advice at the time, to bf'd for a year. Sadly when Tia fell ill, I couldn't bf her if I'd eaten/drank anything with lactose in it, and it just became easier to use SMP LF formula milk for her.

But she walked at 9 months, and I remember it being weird having her "walk" up to me for feeding... This time round I'm only doing it until 6 months :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
my post-natal supporter was still bf'ing her little girl, who was 2 in November... It was a little odd tho, as she would rather have breastmilk than proper food. It was strange to see I will admit!

I personally think I'll be lucky to make it to six months...
I was sort of thinking,bf to a year and begin weaning off,with a view to her being off by 18 months :think: but like Squiglet said,I don't know how I'd handle her actually asking for it..for some reason it makes me cringe a little...but then so did the idea of changing a nappy not so very long ago :lol:
A year will be fine for me. I only made it to 3 months with Lydia (and that was with supplementing), but so far with Alex it's all going fine - he's only ever eaten breastmilk so far.
I wouldn't like to go beyond a year - he can have cows milk after that - but if I can avoid faffing around with formula then I will do, and breastfeed for a year.
I am still breastfeeding. Ellie takes a feed before bed and sometimes 1 during the night. All others she dropped herself. Most just before turning one she suddenly dropped several in quick succession. I am hoping she will drop the one before bed on her own. I am offering her a beaker of milk before during and after the last breastfeed before bed now. I went back to work when she was 5months old and expressed her feeds at work for the following day.
Not sure when I will give up, am quite happy at the moment to continue breastfeeding him and expressing for his last feed. I want him to have breastmilk for as long as possible, at least 18 months because of the goodness in the milk :)
i guess its just down to how it feels for you.
i planned to bf but couldnt and once hayden got teeth at 5 months
i thought i'm glad i'm not...lol
iv just started replacing one BF with formula already, and will gradually move over 2 formula. dont like the idea of BF a baby with teeth. and when a child can walk, talk, pull ur top up 2 get ur boob that just freaks me out a bit. personally! i think 9-12 months. but i dont think bad of anyone who does it longer, in fact i commend people like beanie who did it over 2 years thats some achievement! :clap:
thanks hun but I only did up to 20 months, my milk stopped due to my pregnancy and Seren got fed up. TBH we would have probably stopped at 2 as it was getting closeto my comfort point. It wasn't her asking for it (I found it cute when she asked for mommy milk and she would do a little yay when I would pull my top), and she never opened my top for me or got my boob out so it might have been different if she had done that. I think it was more to do with the fact I had fed her for 20 months and was getting to the point I wanted to finish.I have to say though breastfeeding a toddler was really rewarding, she only was having one feed in the morning at the end and it was just our time to sit quietly and at times I miss that time but am proud she chose when to stop. It is personal choice, I never thought I would feed past 1, but when she reached 1 it seemed like a normal thing to do.

I hope thisone takes as well to it and I can do the same thing, though no more babies for a whileso I woder if they will stop at a similar age???
I hope thisone takes as well to it and I can do the same thing, though no more babies for a whileso I woder if they will stop at a similar age???

When I had problems with my milk supply and Alex being poorly lately he was at a similar age to when Ella stopped, I couldn't believe it! Felt like a kick in the teeth that's for sure!! But we got through it and now he's formula free, for the first time in about three/four months :dance: (he was having a bottle of formula before bed now it's EBM as I've been expressing regularly to keep my supply going).
I'm curious as to when he's going to stop boobie feeding because Ella stopped due to my supply dropping during pregnancy. Hopefully not for a while yet as it was really nice to sit down earlier, whilst Ella was napping and nurse Alex for a good 30-40 mins with Property Ladder on catch up. He fell asleep on the boob and we had a lovely cuddle, plus it was a good excuse to sit on my arse for that long :rotfl:
I always thought it was weird to breastfed past a year but my walking, talking 15 month old daughter with a mouthful of teeth ( :lol: ) is still feeding 4 times a day! She asks for it (by saying yum yum boobie) and i give it. It doesnt feel weird to me and i dont care what anyone else thinks lol.
I could see us going past the 2 year mark, its up to Thea. I've no intention of cutting her off the boob if i dont need to.
I'll be going back to work aroud April so will prob have to stop then as i'm having problems expressing :( but would like to carry on until 12/18 months if i can express while i'm at work.

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