What do us mummies do for a living then?


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2006
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Apart from looking after Ellie when i'm off maternity in May i'm a Deputy Manager of Bay Trading the clothes store
Im not a mummy.....

Im a website and graphic designer with my own business.

Im very proud of my little self! :)
I look after kids in a creche in a gym one day a week.

Just a quick reminder, as you know in the rules of the forum it states no advertising unless by prior arrangement with Laura, so please lets not make this a thread full of links to people's ebay pages and businesses etc.

Sorry but that's just the rules :oops:
Well I was an Airline Cabin crew member fo 9 years but as of today i'm officially jobless :shock: I handed my notice in a month ago, feels very strange not being employed by anyone anymore but I do do work for a travel company but i'm regarded as self employed, I work from home so pick & choose my hours which is great.
I think my official job title is Mummy now :D
im mummy 6days a week and saturday is horrible work day where i boss my minions around and deal with horrible customers!!! :x
im a vet nurse and hate the fact that i dont spend enough time with Leah but have mortage n bills to pay :(
Im a hairdresser... but have taken time out to watch my kids grow a little. I worked alot when my son was a baby :( I missed alot of his babyhood, so im not going to make taht misstake again. (sorry went off on a ramble lol)
Im officially a housing officer but specialise in rent management (and i know im not quite a mummy yet)
happy_chick said:
Im a website and graphic designer with my own business.

Ditto. And my names Jo!

Although I'm on Maternity Allowance at the mo, but planning to get back to work in July.
grace7 said:
Apart from looking after Ellie when i'm off maternity in May i'm a Deputy Manager of Bay Trading the clothes store

I used to manage the Birkenhead and Liverpool branches of Bay! :cheer:

I'm now an employment skills tutor and life coach :D
Urchin said:
I look after kids in a creche in a gym one day a week.

Just a quick reminder, as you know in the rules of the forum it states no advertising unless by prior arrangement with Laura, so please lets not make this a thread full of links to people's ebay pages and business etc.

Sorry but that's just the rules :oops:

Sorry wasnt meant as advertising!
I've removed link x
I'm a full time first-year BA Classics student at Leeds Uni
happy_chick said:
Urchin said:
I look after kids in a creche in a gym one day a week.

Just a quick reminder, as you know in the rules of the forum it states no advertising unless by prior arrangement with Laura, so please lets not make this a thread full of links to people's ebay pages and business etc.

Sorry but that's just the rules :oops:

Sorry wasnt meant as advertising!
I've removed link x

No worries I know you didn't mean it in that way!... I could just see it becoming a thread full of ads which would be a bit much :)

Sorry to be a pain.
I'm a buyer for HMV at the moment, but will be going back to college later in the year to start teacher training :D
im a senior nursery nursery hoping to be a deputy manager soon yay! :D
I trained as a Primary Teacher, but now I am a teacher in a Special School. I love my job and get a lot of satisfaction from it. I do intend, however, to become a full time mum once baby comes along :pray:

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