What did you/do you think your having?


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
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Just curious to see if you had (prior to sexing scan) or have any inkling as to whether its boy/girl and why? (also be good to see if those who do now know were right!)

Im having a surprise but again (like with my son) i dont seem to have a mothers instinct. :shakehead: Though, up until scan i thought girl as soo sick whereas none with him but now thinking its a lil boy as im carrying the same. Where is my bloody mothers instinct! :rotfl:

How about you lot? :D
I don't know why, but I used to think girl. More recently I've been thinking boy, but the truth is I have no idea and keep hanging onto old wives tales!!

Cannot wait to find out, I am so impatient!!
i thought boy from the start and i'm having a boy :D just a feeling i had even though the old wives tales were pointing at a girl i still thought boy
i think Boy (but will have to wait until July to find out).

But last few weeks i seem more interested in girlie stuff, had a dream saturday night we have given birth to a girl.

I've been feeling girl since the beginning...but I won't find out until 19th of May, and that is if baby cooperates with us on scan day! :)
I was SO sure boy, i couldnt even imagine girl, cuz in my head i 'knew' it was a boy. Everything in my pregnancy indicated boy too.
However, had my scan last week, and i was so wrong, we're having a little girl!
I knew my son was a boy but was confused with this one so thought it could be a girl and it is :D
I thought it was a boy and it turned out to be a boy in the scan a few days ago....

This is my first so I did not know what signs to look for - just had this feeling from the start. Have you tried the chinese calender? It was accurate for all that I tried - including myself. I have heard from many on the forum that it has been wrong for them so I was not relying on that...but its fun ..
I didn't really have any intuition assuch but if I'd have had to have chosen I wouldve said boy - and he is a boy!
I feel I am having a girl, and have been told I will have a girl first too... DH thinks its a boy though... :D
I was convinced i was having a boy, all old wives tales said boy and baby daddy thought boy, my mum thought boy, and 2 days before my scan i started doubting myself.

Turns out shes a girl, though i think if i handt found out from the scan i'd never know lol
I keep calling baby her and kind of think of it as a girl but probably cause everyone else wants it to be a girl am so impatient to find out I think I would quite like a girl cause theres so many baby boys in family at moment but will be happy either way, waiting for scan seems to be going soo slow, hope baby is good and shows us its bits am too impatient to wait until he/she arrives!!!
I have a feeling I am having a boy although I would LOVE to have a girl. If all goes well we should be finding out if we are having a boy or girl tomorrow at the 4D scan. :pray:
Staying team green but i'm sure i'm having a girl. I'm having the same kind of pregnancy as my first (girl). Also when I picked my mother in law up to go for the scan we both had pink tops on! Plus when we were coming out of the hospital my little girl asked for a baloon from the hospital shop and it had 'it's a girl' on. All probably nonsense but it all seems to point to a girl!

I have always thought from the start that I'm having a boy but I'm prepared to be shocked at the birth!
All those silly old wives tales point to me having a boy, the chinese one says girl though. Can't wait to find out in August!
I reckon girl, OH reckons girl. Will hopfully find out on 15th May at 20 weeks scan or it will have to be at 4D scan some time after that. Hoping that the sonographer will discretely tell us the sex, if not im gonna be gutted waiting for another few weeks.
I think girl for me, OH thinks boy. I really like our boys name so I wonder if I'm thinking girl to prepare me just in case we don't get to use it :lol:

I don't mind either way really :D
I had really strong feelings she was a girl, EVERYONE else thought boy! I was right :D xx

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