what colour is your?


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
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dining room, I need some inspiration girls

and I can't decide between this flooring

or this one
I don't have a dining room, but i like the first one.
I have a dining room, not decorated though so cant really help, but i preger the first one x
I prefer the second one!

I think the first one looks more like a bathroom floor!
Depends on the type of property you have, first one would look great in a newish property, and the 2nd is much more suited to a more period property, or cottage!!
Babylicious said:
dining room, I need some inspiration girls

and I can't decide between this flooring

or this one

magnolia walls and lightwood laminate flooring
I prefer the second one too

The first one is too dark for me and can tend to make a room look smaller IMO.

My dining room is white with stone floors so very boring really!
I have a kitchen/diner, with the first flooring and pale yellow walls.
I like both. Like the first one more though I think...

We just bought paint last night for our kitchen/diner. Cant wait!!!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
our dining room is just laminate its minging! i like the second one best
i like the first floor best.our dining rm is part of the lounge so its white on top,coffee colour at the bottom (or chocolat as tesco call it) and a white dado rail in the middle

behind ted..

we decided to go with slate because it hides dirt :D


our is kitchen diner..
I love the first pic but I would choose the 2nd for a dining room - if we had one :lol:
Second one

Our dining room is a creamy colour with wooden flooring
Very deep red on one wall and light beige on the rest with a black slate floor.

I prefer the first picture, I dont think the second one is dark enough for me.
My dining room has birch laminate flooring and my colour scheme is white, silver and caramel.

Sorry I can't help you decide as I love both of them and would prob ask on here for advice too. xxx

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