What colour is my bump?


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2008
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We both really didn't want to find out at the scan but I was deliberating looking for bits :roll: The lady went over that area really quickly so we never saw anything BUT I definitely saw 2 dots!!

At first I thought it must be a boy then but the more I read on google, the more it sounds like girl bits as the boys bits are not that separated etc. What do you think?? I need to know now... lol It was two very clear white dots.
hi hun if you like i could PM you my pics from my scan where you can definatley tell its a boy?
Now using my medical powers of deduction: Eeney Meeney Miney Mo I pick girl.

Congrats on the scan any pics? :dance:
I saw 2 dots on my scan and said oh its a boy and the sonographer said no its a girl they are her ovarys.......ooh you could be team PINK :D
I'm gonna say girl too - on my scan pic LO is showing his meat & 2 veg and it certainly doesn't look like 2 wee white dots!
Id say your TEAM PINK aswell!!!! I aslo seen the 2 same dots on the screen when the sonographer told us she was a girl. :D :hug:
i said boy with out even seeing yor post :oops: :lol: :lol: i'm a dope i htink girl lol i was wondering where you were lol how are you?
Here's my scan to compare against yours, as you can see there's no 2 white dots, and I'm sure you can work out where his bits are! (And it's defo his bits as sonographer told us!) Typical boy showing them off for the world to see eh! :lol:

I would say you're having a girl too! When I had my 20 week scan with Amber, I could see what you described - two white dots, and was also told they were her ovaries! This time I could definetly make out his 'meat & two veg' as Vicki put it! :lol:
Vicki83 said:
Here's my scan to compare against yours, as you can see there's no 2 white dots, and I'm sure you can work out where his bits are! (And it's defo his bits as sonographer told us!) Typical boy showing them off for the world to see eh! :lol:


Wow this pic is soo detailed. I hope I get clear results like this when i go for my 20 weeks :pray:

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