What centile is your baby on for weight and length?

Gemma & Jake

Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2006
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Hi I am just curious to compare each of our baby'w growth. I have been looking at other baby weights in this section and Jake seems really light compared to all of them. I think Jake is going to be small framed as although he is quite long(63cm at 17 weeks a bit below the 50th centile) he is was only 12lb 12oz two weeks ago at 17 weeks. Jake was 7lb 2oz born and has put on weight every time but he is just below the 9th centile for weight. Up until he was 10 weeks he was on the 25th centile and then he started dropping but the HV that weigh him have said it is ok unless he continues to drop. Jake has 5 7oz bottles a day which I think is ok but if he does keep dropping I might have to start thinking about weaning properly.
Hi Hon,

Gia was 6lb 7oz when born and was 13lb 10oz last Fri at 17 weeks. She was tiny, 9th percentile when born but has now moved up to nearly 50th. I am still exclusively breastfeeding her every 3 hours from 7am till 10pm and sometimes she wants feeding again at midnight. I think I'm going to start her on baby rice this weekend as she has started waking up in the middle of the night after sleeping through for ages.

For length she was on 5oth percentile when born and when measured again at 6 weeks. Not sure what she is now but hubby and I are 5 ft 8 and 5 ft 11 so I guess shes def going to be tall.

Don't get too worried about Jake, babies have their growth spurts and times when they don't put on anything. I'm going to follow the Annabel Karmel book when I start weaning. Is he polishing off the whole bottle when you feed him? If so up the amount of milk you are giving him. If he starts waking up at night its a def sign that he wants to be weaned.

Good luck hon :hug:
Arianna is just newly on the 50th centile for both weight and length. I paniced a while back as everyones LO seemed heavier than she was but she is happy and healthy so thats all that matters.
Since 14weeks Phoebe has always been on or just below the 9th centile.
Stanley was on the 95th centile for height and weight at 3 months.

He's now gone up to the 98th for height but down to the 80th for weight, which makes sense as he looks a bit longer and slimmer these days.

I spent time worrying over him being so big (especially when everyone comments, it makes you paranoid) but he's clearly very healthy and just a big chap like his daddy!

Sounds like Jake is feeding really well! He's probably just going to be petite like you said. Please don't worry :hug:
Aimee is on the 25th for both height and weight and has been since she was 3 months old. Nathan is on the 91st for his weight and head but the 75th for his height.
Lennon is on the 25th centile - he was 8 lb 1 oz born and is now 14 lb 1 oz
Rowan was 7lb 8 1/2 born on the 50th centile but due to reflux and his illness has now dropped to below the 25th and heading towards the 9th but fact is he's eating fine, he's a happy bunny and neither me nor his dad are big built so I'm not worried. He's 16lb 5 today at 26 weeks :D
when born nathan was on the 98th for weight then dropped to 91st and has stayed there ever since quite freaky.

for height he started on the 91st and has gone up to the 98th.
Well I had Jake weighed again yesterday at 19 weeks and he is 13lb 1/2oz which means that he is stll just below the 9th centile. I asked the H/V and she said that he is probably just going to be tall and slim as he is on a higher centile for height. I'm not worried as he looks in perportion and he has gained a bit of weight at every weigh in except for the first one after his birth.
Minxy said:
Stanley was on the 95th centile for height and weight at 3 months.

He's now gone up to the 98th for height but down to the 80th for weight, which makes sense as he looks a bit longer and slimmer these days.

I spent time worrying over him being so big (especially when everyone comments, it makes you paranoid) but he's clearly very healthy and just a big chap like his daddy!

Minxy - so happy to read your words! Tom was weighed on Tuesday and he is 16lbs already and on the 98th centile! I was getting worried too but seems like Stanley is levelling out so hopefully Tom will too! Can't believe he is weighing over a stone and he's not even 3 months yet!

L x
my worry is for the opposite ryan has always been on the 98th percentil line with height and weight, i'm always askin if hes too big but he's been on this line since he was born so i guess he's just goin to be a big strappin boy.

my other 2 were pretty much stuck to the 50th percentile line so ry is much bigger, he's almost as tall as chris already.

try not to worry i'm sure they would have a word if there was anything to worry about :)
LucyBee said:
Minxy - so happy to read your words! Tom was weighed on Tuesday and he is 16lbs already and on the 98th centile! I was getting worried too but seems like Stanley is levelling out so hopefully Tom will too! Can't believe he is weighing over a stone and he's not even 3 months yet!

L x

Sounds (and looks) like he's doing great! They do seem to slow down I think. Stanley piled on what seemed like a pound a week for ages! He was 20lb at 4 months, but is now only 22lb at 7 months, he's just got longer recently.

Hope Tom gets to keep those scrummy cheeks as long as possible :D
Keeley's on the 75th centile and she weihed 7lbs 15oz's @ birth and weighs 17lbs 11oz's now :D

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