What can i take for my nose?


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2006
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I cant stand breathing with my mouth open and no matter how much i blow my nose it doesnt make much differance, other than that i feel totally fine. What can i take for my nose?
Try Olbas Oil on a tissue or pillow - it's the only thing which I find clears my snozz :wink:
Asked the oh to get me some but i cant stand the stuff :?
you can get those clips from boots which open up your neasel passage and allow you to breath easier. but i think you'd look sillier wearing those than walking around with your mouth open
Just tell yourself it's not as bad as not being able to breathe :hug:
Aswell as the olbas oil he has got me some vicks vaporub, would i beable to put that on my nose?

I have no idea what to do, is this since you got pregnant?
I started getting a stuffed up nose when i got pregnant with Kiara its never stopped and now im pregnant again its much worse, i even have to eat with my mouth open which aint nice :?
Hope something clears it for you
I had a runny nose for a few days earlier on in my pregnancy, but i dont think this is cause of the pregnancy i think it is a cold.

Doing my head in snivelling and blowing (ooer). :x
Sudafed spray is a godsend for blocked noses (i swear by it!), but it does say on the bottle that ur not supposed to used it while pg. many women keep smoking while pg tho and still hav perfectly healthy babies, so i guess its up to u if u wanna use it anyway.
Try Boiling water and a large towel usually works for me you can also get menthol crystal but dont know if ya can use them when pregnant all ya do is put them in boiling water and still towel over head and inhale.

Hope it clears up soon :)
it is a symptom of being pregnant I am afraid. it is listed in one of my books as a common symptom for tri 2! I have a permantly blocked nose am constantly blowing it.

You can get vicks inhalers? I would not rub vapur rub into your nose if I was you.

Cannot wait for hayfever season to start!
won't do you any harm I don't think - I just don't think it is designed to go on your face as the skin on your face is more sensitive. If I did that I would guarantee to get a rash or loads of spots as I have really sensitive skin

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