what are your thoughts???

well if it is true riley is gonna be a big 1 :p
so they tried it on rats and suddenly it applies to humans :roll: !
are they serious????

:wall: i was told by my mum when i fell pregnant: 'everything in moderation, and you and baby will be fine and healthy'
I think it's the latest in a VERY long line of "scientific" mumbo-jumbo they use to try and scare pregnant women into become paranoid nervous wrecks, too scared to eat :wall:
It does make a certain amount of sense, though. The food of some fast food chains in particular has been proven to be addictive, which is why it's recommended that you don't take children there on a regular basis as they will most likely end up eating there frequently as an adult. (cf. Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser, amongst others. They're full of additives and chemicals which wouldn't be present if you made similar food at home. Most of them are injected with artificial flavours which mask the rubbish which goes into them.)

I certainly know that I've been eating too much rubbish (and have been feeling guilty about it). Hopefully this will serve as a wake-up call for me to make sure that I have some food in my bag on the way home so that I'm not tempted just to buy some chips when I get my hunger pangs.
I think its more likly that a child will eat rubbish if there parents do.
Ah it's rubbish I ate my way through loads of take aways and Paris is still really petite at 7
i think its a load of crap basically,
cos i know kids that parents eat shit and they love greens and stuff, and like
all through pregnancy she had sweet tooth and stuff, ate stuff like pizzas and mcds
this little boy has barely any meat on his bones
I'm sure there will be some truth in it. A lot is decided in the womb, even your childs sexuality is decided in the womb, it's mind blowing!
Everything you do when pregnant effects your child in one way or another. What they do to 'food' these days, well I just don't know how they get away with it. It just makes sense to eat a heathly balanced diet.
Jenna I agree, if you eat crap then your child is more than likely to eat the same as you, probably because thats what you're serving up.
I grew up in a pub and for my dinner EVERYNIGHT my mum would give us a basket of fried chips. Unbelievable :twisted: :twisted:

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