what are your plans


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2007
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ive got to sort my room out and baby stuff, seems like a proper chore, i will do it soon,
and have dinner
boredness all day really till tonight when im taken by the tv lol
Im leaving work at 3, going home, putting my PJ's on, watching tv, having a curry and some wine and falling asleep on DH :D :D :D

Its Friday! :cheer: :cheer:
lol :)
sounds like i plan

just want to se charley getting kicked out of the house, :)
I'll prob leave work about 2ish as there is nothing to do this arvo, play LOTRO for a couple of hours till OH gets home, then have dinner and settle down for a night of charli hating :lol:
is charlie really that bad? i dont watch it but people in the office go on about her. (is it a her? i duno) :rotfl:
yer its a her .. i quite like her, shes one of the most honest people ive ever seen :)
x sophie x
I'm gonna go to SureStart and pick up a Tens machine. Then hopefully fix the bug on my dads website which has been doing my head in all morning (but I need to get away from it now as it's really getting to me). Also coming home via Job Centre (ooh, a 2 min walk from my house) and pick up a maternity grant form if they do them.
i may pop into town. gran isnt well, so i will proberly take riley to see her again.

and picking a middle name for riley. ive got 2weeks left to register him eek
Im going to leave work at half three, go home, (prob have nap) and am going out for dinner tonight with DH, really looking forward to it :cheer:
I'm gonna finish my assignment :bored: while trying to keep Jamie entertained.

Make spag bol for DH coming in and settle down to watch BB and then early night. Ahh bliss :D
supposed to be working and doing some housework, but done nothing :roll: even my LO has commented on the state of the house :oops:
I've sent some emails, replied and read threads on here and had a lookie on eBay. I've had breakfast (coco pops). I've recleaned the kitchen and the bathroom and dusted and swept the living room. I've had lunch. Boring.

I've got a friend coming over with her two little boys in a minute for the afternoon, then the m/w is coming to do a sweep.

After that, depending how I'm feeling I might mop the living room; dust, sweep and mop the hall. I've also got to clean the bedrooms but I can't be bothered.

Please, please let me go into labour today, I'm so bored!

valentine said:
I've sent some emails, replied and read threads on here and had a lookie on eBay. I've had breakfast (coco pops). I've recleaned the kitchen and the bathroom and dusted and swept the living room. I've had lunch. Boring.

I've got a friend coming over with her two little boys in a minute for the afternoon, then the m/w is coming to do a sweep.

After that, depending how I'm feeling I might mop the living room; dust, sweep and mop the hall. I've also got to clean the bedrooms but I can't be bothered.

Please, please let me go into labour today, I'm so bored!


nesting instinct perhaps? :pray:

Hope its soon for you babes :hug:
i well dunno what i am going to do when i get well close, im going to be so im patient, i am already and im 32 weeks and i just cant seem to wait any longer.

hope baby comes for you today hunni
I leave work at 5 :dance:

Then probably go to Tesco and get some more bits for my :dance: new home :dance: Wish the solicitors would hurry up with the searches.

Then have a nice long bath and watch a film.

Up at 6.30 tomorrow to go fishing. :cheer:
I'm trying to buy a bloody car but some people just don't wanna help themselves :x

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