What are your funny hormonal moments?


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2011
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I have been reading a similar thread on the babybump app. How many of you have had complete flip outs while pregnant? Including crying fits, anger outbursts and happy can't stop laughing moments that make you like a cackling witch? My hubby is dreading my mood swings! Lol. And me! Does everyone get them and what were your funny moments? I've read some funny ones! I read one husband put his wife wanted a candy bar and when she got it from the store and was down to last bite she just stared at it and started crying knowing it'll soon be gone lol. Luckily he had bought another pack!
Also please post here your weird cravings and groceouts. My sister in law loved ice cream on pizza!!
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nothing major really, i cry more easily than i used to which is saying something lol. and mostly i crave fruit and veggies. im pretty boring really lol
I have cried at Coach Trip cos it was the end of the series??! But I dont think I have been too hormonal or at least I dont think I have OH might say different. Cravings wise I had a massive thing for fruit juice but that seems to have passed now and dont think I have one at the moment!!
I havn't had any weird food cravings but if I decide I want something thats it I feel restless and grumpy until I have it. I also seem to have developed ocd or something since being pregnant, I get sooo upset and grumpy if things aren't clean and tidy and I'll cry if OH doesn't clean things properly lol, poor OH! x
I wanted to cry when waitrose ran out of fresh bread the other day. Oh and I just washed my hands but went to dry them before I'd rinsed the soap off:dohh:
I cry randomly for no reason lol OH just cuddles me now lol

Nothing major for me. I get upset more easily over things, like tv programmes but I dont cry randomly or at things that wouldnt have upset me in the past.
No strange cravings but I have been eating alot more red apples since I got pg
Nothing major for me. I get upset more easily over things, like tv programmes but I dont cry randomly or at things that wouldnt have upset me in the past.
No strange cravings but I have been eating alot more red apples since I got pg

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