What are you opinions?


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2010
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So.. Harlow can be started on the purée foods in a week and half...

She is fussy with her bottles, only drinks 4-5oz every 4 hours.. I have to be really patient with her and it takes an hour sometimes to feed her. It's usually the 4pm bottle she is funny with.

So... She is very petite, only 11lbs 10oz and only putting on a 1lb every 4 weeks on average.

Would you start trying the purée food or wait a few weeks longer?

I'd wait 6 months. They don't need to be put on solids to this time and it can be bad for their digestion.

Ive read that one of the reasons packets say 4 months is a marketing ploy as the companies want you buying their food for as long as possible.

You had some problems with her milk? Do you think it might be worth getting some allergy testing before you start solids?

^^^ WSS

It sounds like LO is having issues with the milk, which would continue regardless of solids or not.

Def hold out, its not good for their tummies to wean b4 6 months, no matter how much they might seem hungry or whatever.

I can't get her tested unless I have her back on cows milk formula. The doctor told me they would only test after she's been on it for 3-4 weeks. I couldnt cope with how she was on this milk so I refused and said I'll keep her on soya until she was 20 weeks old and then try her back on cows milk formula by slowly wearing her onto it over a course of 2 weeks.

I think your right, I will wait and first things first change her milk at a later date to see how she is.

i dont see anything wrong with starting her on baby rice, every baby is different, some dont like milk and will thrive from food..some dont need it.. i started lexie on baby rice at 4months because she was so hungry and she was alot better and more settled from it,i know LOADS of babys who started at that age and were fine..xxx
I would say trust your instincts. it is better to wait until 6 months, BUT it's not the same for every baby. There are reasons to wean early, like premmie babies for example, but there are also alot of reasons to hold off. My son really didn't enjoy solids until he was 10 months old, had serious swallowing issues with lumpy food and it was just a nightmare. With this second baby I will be alot more confident to follow her lead.

If you decide to try her on purees and she doesn't take to it, you don't have to continue. You don't even have to have a set routine for meals etc at that early age.

Def wait until close to six months if possible, thier insides are still maturing and developing until this time, milk should be the primary source of nutrition
DOnt do it hun!! Harrison is the same age and he is not quite so satisfied with his milk any more, he seems to want more than can fit in his little tummy iykwim but I want to wait a while before I wean him!! Im going to try the hungry baby milk first and see how that goes first!!
Thank you all for your advice.

I would like to try the hungry baby route eventually before weaning but unfortunately they don't do this version with soya milk so it's not possible for us x
Of course I forgot about the soya mik!! Maybe ask the docs if there is an alternative that would be suitable!!
Im not hugely worried about the 6month rule - cos everything else about babies develops at different times, so it stands to reason that their digestive systems would be the same.

BUT the fact that youve already had trouble with something not agreeing with Harlow, i would try and wait longer.

But the problem is, how would you know when LO's digestive system is ready, if you wait til after 6 m/o it is guaranteed to be ready if you wean before you risk it not being ready! Most babies develop at the same rate, give or take maybe a week or so. Not 2 months difference. Same as in the womb. But some babies develop skills before others, like crawling, rolling ect, which is different to their insides.


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