What are you doing differently this month?


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2011
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Hi all! :wave:

This is me and OH's second month of TTC our first baby since we miscarried in December!

This month I'm taking folic acid and we are only having :bd: on my fertile days beetwen the 16th and 21st to which I should ovulate! Next month we are thinking of using preseed as I've seen alot of you ladies using this and reccomend it. We are also only doing two positions doggy and guy on top.

Please share what your doing differently this month from pattern of :bd:and supliments your using etc...

Is there anything you reccomend?

hi hunnie. This cycle I have been temping (until rudely interrupted by the dreaded flu) and I'm now using opks! xx
In going to get some agnus cactus and give that a go I think.
Hiya Hun -

I have been taking alot of Multi Vitamins , folic acid , iron and 2000mg of Evening Primrose.

I'd deffo reccomend the EPO but only a small amount to start of with as last month was the first time id taking it and it made me bleed mid cycle - this cycle I have done it just right and my ovulation has come a week earlier and my CM is looking fab! If you do try them - don't take them after you ovulate as it causes your stomach to contract.

Good luck xx

Hi, I've been temping and using OPK's and trying to time bd'ing for most effective days, also been taking folic acid for 2 months now, xx
I'm on my second month TTC, first month (and this month) we've used a CBFM and pre-seed.

This month I'm trying reflexology.

Our plan is to change or add something every month, it helps I think to make us feel like we are doing something proactive to help.
Totally agree Hartslet - you feel like your helping as much as you can .

The only problem I have is I've tried so many different things over the year that I'm running out of things to try and getting more and more deflated!


Good luck everyone here a little sprinkle of babydust for us all :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:
Dont lose hope hun (easier said than done!), you never know when your bfp might sneak up on you xx
we're using opks this cycle and have timed sex around ovulation where previously we've just gone for the suggested approach of sex every 2nd or 3rd day all cycle long
:hugs: What about your OH? Have you tried him on conception tablets? We've put my hubby on the wellman conception, and I have to say that there has been an enormous visible (at least) difference in his, errrrr, output!

He's only been taking it for about 2 weeks now, so we'll see if it makes any actual difference.

Totally agree Hartslet - you feel like your helping as much as you can .

The only problem I have is I've tried so many different things over the year that I'm running out of things to try and getting more and more deflated!

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DH is on the Wellman conception. Sorry *TMI ALERT* I honestly think that he has a bit more :sperm: now :blush:. Also I read somewhere that the more er *ahem* worked up a fella gets when he ejaculates it comes from deeper in his nut sack and you get better quality :sperm: sooo sorry:blush::blush::blush:. So now when we BD sometimes he gets some extras to keep him REALLY interested :lol:. I also read that for optimal sperm quality/count it helps a bloke to ejaculate every 2-3 days.

I'm taking the Pregnacare conception vitamins which include the folic acid. CD1 to OV I take Agnes Castus in the mornings which give your pituary gland a kick to help your body produce hormones. I am also think of starting on Evening Primrose oil tablets to help produce CM. I use internet cheapy OPK's along side my Persona kit so I can pinpoint OV, so obviously BD at the right time.

I also chart BBT which has been really helpful because the chart helped me confirm when I OV'd and when and how long my luteal phase was. It also help me figure out I was not PG this month because my temp dropped so I just had to wait a few days for AF to turn up. I now wake up automatically at the same time each day and shove a thermometer in my gob whilst still half alseep.

I am seriously thinking of trying natural progesterone cream from OV onwards but am doing more research on that at the mo.
Thanks for all your tips!!

I'm feeling quite positive about this month although I'm feeling quite ill so don't really feel like :sex: but it has to be done haha!

Hopefully I have a reason to feel so positive and I hope you all have a BFP this month good luck girlies :D xxx
we're now DTD a lot more around OV and I've overhauled my diet and activities to lose weight & lower my bmi x
Well my Af came yesterday and about an hour later got told that I am going to be an auntie again in dec which kinda knocked the wind out of my sails a bit *cue tears* so to put my positive mental attitude in action we bought the clear blue ovulation test as like the idea of a smily face rather than deciphering lines etc plus would be nice to get a positive for a change!! Lol!
Yeah I'm considering buying an ovulation tester, even though I'm pretty sure I know when I'm at my fertile peaks but hopefully this will be our month xx
well ive been taking pregnacare conception vitamins, agnus cactus up until ov, opks and preseed during fertile wk!
hubby is taking the pregnacare conception too the his and hers variety we are on!

just enjoy the sex and try to relax with each other!! :D
well ive been taking pregnacare conception vitamins, agnus cactus up until ov, opks and preseed during fertile wk!
hubby is taking the pregnacare conception too the his and hers variety we are on!

just enjoy the sex and try to relax with each other!! :D

Yeah we try too but like it's annoying when he cant be arsed to :bd: and I'm like c'mon we HAVE to :bd: I'm at my fertile peak I probably sound very like selfish to him sometimes.

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Until i had my MC i new exactly when I OV'd but now im unsure so this month i have started temping. I havent seen that much of a rise so i dont if its worked for me or not. I guess i wil have to wait and see!

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