What are the chances of needing a d&c at 7 weeks?


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2008
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For those who havent read my post of first tri, i seem to be going through a mc right now. The thought of a d&c terrifies me more than anything. What are the odds i may need one? Im also scared for tonight incase i heamorrage (sorry cant spell it) in my sleep!
im sorry hun i dont know but i just wanted to send u some hugs :hug:

did u find out by an early scan or have u been bleeding?xx
:hug: If you are bleeding heavily its likely things will come away themselves but occasionaly some get left behind and you may be offered a D&C, give your midwife or Dr a call and they will be able to better advise :hug: Really sorry you are going through this.xx
I miscarried (in different circumstances) but the baby was about 7 weeks. I didn't need a d&c and they just did a couple of extra scans to make sure that my uterus had gone back to normal.

I'm sorry you're going through this and I hope you don't need a d&c. :hug:
Really sorry to hear your news :hug: :hug:

I've just had a 'removal of retained products of conception' which is similar to a D&C but I can honestly say that I'm glad I had it done as I think my body feels much better for it. I think I'm heading back to normality.

I was about 8 weeks pregnant when we had a 2nd scan & unfortunately nothing had developed inside the sac. I was given the option to see if nature would take it's course but I still wasn't bleeding almost 2 weeks later so I decided to have the operation done. I am really scared of operations but sometimes you have to be brave! :clap:

I'm not sure what you circumstances are but would advise you to speak to you GP or the hospital to see what they recommend.

Not sure the above helps but ho[efully reassuring to know that you are not alone :hug: :hug:
Thanks for your replies. I just went to the loo and wiped away a thick dark red string. Im sorry to be so gross but im absolutely terrified and just laying in bed shaking.
Hiya, sorry about what your going through :( hope your ok x

I'll just quickly tell you what happened to me...

Got to 7 weeks pg, had pink spotting which turned bright red quite quickly. Heavy bleeding from then on. Early pregnancy ward was full up so I got put on a gyno ward and they did an internal exam on me to see my cervix. Told me it was slightly open and that I was having a misscarriage :( ...Kept me in overnight as I went to the loo on the ward and blood just pored from me like i'd switched a tap on. Woke up 6am for the loo and they were both occupied so I had to wait standing up for about 2 mins and felt something sliding from me. Sat on the loo and it just sort of plopped out, looked and it was a clump of grey ish and red cells/clots at the bottom. Couldn't do nothing but flush, I was absouloutly terrified though and just got back in bed and cried myself to sleep. Sent for an internal scan at about 9am and showed my womb was completely empty, so they called it a complete misscarriage and told me no d&c would be needed.

I hope it's not a d&c you need, misscarriages are bad enough :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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