What am I to do? lol

I mean it could just be random then! If you had the same cravings with your last two, but they do say it can be a sign!
i craved ice and icepops, smoothies, frozen yoghurt the lot when i was pregnant with LO my iron was fine, i was just a crazy craver :dance:
i couldnt help but laught ouot loud about you girls your way too funny. and thanks LEA! now im needing a big fat meat pie and faggos LOL :rotfl:
Hey dont thank me for the faggots!! hahahaha

So are you on the East of Canada?
I have a friend in saskatchewan? (I have no idea how to spell that haha) and I think she is 7 hours ahead of me? (or 6 now? she doesnt change the clocks for summer?)

Sorry lol, Im just a nosey cow hee hee
your not nosey cow lol! yeah im near Toronto, about 2 hours from. i moved from Peterborough UK to Peterborough Canada! :rotfl: its like New York here outside it is nearly 30 degrees :) arhhh! the reason why i am on a UK forum is because i was on this forum when i was pregnant with my daughter 3 years ago and had to come back when TTC :D
Your not a nosey cow lol! yeah im near Toronto, about 2 hours from. Sak is actually not too far from here but im not sure Canada is so big iv never been. i moved from Peterborough UK to Peterborough Canada! the whole of UK can fit in our province 10 times and i think there is 14 altogether- (dont quote me on that though) :rotfl: its like New York here and outside it is nearly 30 degrees :) love it! the reason why i am on a UK forum is because i was on this forum when i was pregnant with my daughter 3 years ago and had to come back when TTC :D
Hee hee thanks!! :D
LOL thats funny moving from one Petersborough to another hee hee
I did say that once i think i should move to Manchester, NY! haha
Is that 30 degrees F ??
yea hot hot HOTTTT! i got a sun tan yesterday. 2 weeks ago we had about 3 foot of snow still leftover from the winter at the sides of the roads. it was the worst winter Canada had ever had in 30years :shock: it was terrible we got snowed in every night and the government plow had to come around at 5am to dig everyone out before work :rotfl: it was so crazy.
Oh gosh! i have heard the weather can be more wacky over there haha
More extreme!! :D
I couldnt handle the cold! But they hot summers YAY! haha
Though i have a friend in Florida and I think if anywhere, I would want to go there!! hee hee
(hot all year) :lol:
Oooh yeh I would love to!! :D

Aww that site is great!! I just shown my 2cd son Dillon what the baby looks like now! ha he said aww its ugly hee hee

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