What actually stops you getting pregnant..


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2017
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I know this sounds stupid but if in theory you ovulate, at home sperm kits have said the count is high... What is it that actually stops the sperm getting to the egg or not being able to fertilise the egg or whatever else could be happening that doesnt happen?

Thank You in advanced

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Timing of sex - its better to have sex before you ovulate as there is only a 24 hour window between tge egg releasing and the egg dying. So if sperm is up there before the egg pops they're ready to pounce once it's released.

Sperm motility & morphology - I know you said sperm count is high but did the test check motility or morphology? Good motility is needed so the sperm moves in the right way, propelling itself forward. And morphology is the shape/size if the sperm. Obviously if its git a massive head or missing a tail that's gonna be a problem.

Cervical mucus - sometimes if there's not enough or its the wrong pH it can hinder the sperm moving up the cervix. There's lots of things to help with this, the easiest thing is to keep well hydrated. The more you drink the better the mucus. There are also fertility friendly lubed you can try such as preseed and conceive plus, which help to create the perfect environment.

Other thing to remember is no matter what you do remain relaxed. It will happen, it takes an average healthy couple anywhere from 6 months to a year to conceive. If after then you haven't fallen pregnant you can visit your GP.

Best if luck xxx

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I actually think a lot of it is luck. I read somewhere that like 50%ish of periods are very early miscarriages.

I spent 5 months on letrozole ovulating and timing sex right and only got pregnant on the last go with a lower dose (a miracle!). I really do just think it’s luck unfortunately?
the egg may be getting fertilised some cycles but either not getting to the womb in time to implant for example because of blocked tubes or other structural anomalies or not being good enough quality to implant, or the womb preventing implantation for some other reason, so it’s not always a case of sperm not meeting egg, there are so many different variables which can affect whether pregnancy occurs x
There are quite a lot of factors that affect implantation. Making sure the body isn't too acidic is probably a good idea, so a good fertility diet. There are lots of books on it.

Definitely get a proper sperm test for your OH if this goes on a long time. My OH's showed he was very dehydrated, which will affect chances. Make sure neither of you are dehydrated.

Also sperm lasts about 48 hours in the winter so dtd every other day around ovulation.
Thanks for all advice so far ...
When i started ttc i had 34 day cycles i now have 28.. (past 2 cycles) tho i think this is a good sign instead of bad as i have lost weight and this has happened and years ago when i was at my smallest i had 28 day cycles (i come on when i was paid haha).!
Also we have had some bad try months in our ttc year.. because he couldnt perform etc.. (very! annoying!) I have had 7 good ttc months, 1 anovulatory and 3 where tries wernt good enough, it was day of O and cm had already changed to creamy etc..

Will applying Conceive plus internally help? I have been all months so far and nothings happened and i started worrying that i would be better to leave it natural instead of adding stuff?
Im on third month of myo-ionistol so should see some effects this month or next hopefully (if it takes 3mths)

Thanks Guys

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I introduced conceive plus for the 1st time this cycle.
The reviews are feedback on it are really impressive so hoping it worked for me
Do you have EWCM? Hydrating and eating oranges is good for it. I got a BFP the month I didn't use Conceive Plus.
Hi sunflower i have started to get much better cm and its borderline ewcm :) theres lots more of it etc.. just wondering i should give my cm a chance to get the stuff there on its own instead of adding conceive plus? Just for this month. Tho i am also anxious its my cm thats killing sperm in first place so who knows

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I never really got much CM and only noticed EWCM one evening of my cycle. I would try to be healthy to encourage it, drinking enough water etc and the conceive plus does have great reviews but try not to worry too much about it.
Hi sunflower i have started to get much better cm and its borderline ewcm :) theres lots more of it etc.. just wondering i should give my cm a chance to get the stuff there on its own instead of adding conceive plus? Just for this month. Tho i am also anxious its my cm thats killing sperm in first place so who knows

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I think you can get tested for that.
Have a look on YouTube for a video called the great sperm race it's very informative

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