What a week!


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2011
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Hello ladies - have missed you all! I managed to put my iPhone in the wash at the beginning of the week after getting poo on my cardigan (it was in the pocket)! So so so upset! Then poor DH was ill all week so we couldnt celebrate my birthday. Today had to see his family without him but poor little Ariel got very upset and being passed around, balled his eyes out and got himself overtired and wouldn't settle from 10 until 7! :shock: poor little thing. To top it all off as I was leaving I put my foot down wrong on the stairs on the gravel path and fell down them. Because I had Ariel in the sling I went full force on knees and legs as I kept my arms round him to protect him. Skinned one shin completely and have huge deep cuts filled with gravel on my knees, also destroyed my new birthday pumps :(! Feeling very sorry for myself.

On the plus side got Ariel weighed on Friday and at 12 weeks he is 17 and a half pounds so has jumped to the 98th percentile! Feeling very happy that I can tell this to everyone who keeps saying he's too big for me to EBF!
Oh hunny that sounds awful :hug:

Missed u around here.

Hope ur DH is better and u manage to do somethin for ur birthday (congrats :))

What fab news about Ariel's weight! U should feel extremely proud of urself xxxxx
Are you sure you haven't got a secret alcohol problem you want to confide in us about lol. But seriously it never rains it pours with stuff like that.

17.5lbs is fantastic what was his birth weight?
Wow what a week you've had!!

Sending you hugs to make you feel better xx
Oh no, you poor thing! Happy birthday, sorry it was so unlucky :( well done on the weight gain though that's fantastic! Xx
Sorry to hear about your phone and fall. :(

But well done on the little fellas weight, that's fantastic.
Oh no! In so terrified of falling over with the baby, must have been horrible. Hope you're knees are getting better & hope your iPhone was insured! Wishing you a better week this week!!
aww poor you! well done for not hurting him when you fell tho, nightmare. wow chunky lil guy, Alyssa is just under the 98th centile too :)
Awww thanks ladies! I'm such a big baby, I cried when I got back into the car. But DH replaced my phone with a better one so I get to be back with all of you! Missed you loads! X
Omg hun it never rains but it pours! Hope your cuts and bruises are healing now. Great news on the weight gain xxxxxxxx
Welcome back, happy birthday! And well done on the wait gain!!!

Awww... Sounds like you've ad a horrid week :-(. But wonderful weight for Ariel... You must feel very, very proud! :)
Oh no poor you :( what a week right enough !! Happy birthday & excellent news about Ariels weight xxx

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