What a tinker....

Rubys mummy

Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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Ruby is into EVERYTHING, she never keeps still, is crawling everywhere, and will pull herself up to standing if you hold her hands...

Got the shock of our lives this morning, we were getting ready for work, OH popped head into nursery (Ruby was playing quietly in her cot) Or so we thought :roll: ..................

OH shouted me to come quick and bring camera phone.....


She is proud as punch to be able to pull herself up and actually stood up after I took pic :shock: :shock:

She will be climbing put soon!!! Going to lower the matress base tomorrow just incase she makes a bid for freedom :rotfl:
aww yay well done ruby!

i watched were killing our kid last night and the 18 month old could climb out her cot, it was scary,

:hug: :hug:
Oh bless her, I know what you mean about her being into everything cause Harrison is the same lol you only have to turn your head for a second and he's got something he shouldnt. Just wait untill she's walking around the furniture lol everything will have to go up a level :lol:
Go Ruby :cheer: :D
She's so sweet, I'll bet you're both so excited with her :cheer: :hug:
wow you really do have to have eyes in the back of your head now zoe!
Wow well done Ruby!!!! Shes coming on so well for her age. You will have to get her round to give Nathan some lessons, lol. Hes not even sitting on his own yet, lazy little bugger!
kellie80 said:
Wow well done Ruby!!!! Shes coming on so well for her age. You will have to get her round to give Nathan some lessons, lol. Hes not even sitting on his own yet, lazy little bugger!

My friend in work had her little boy the same day as Ruby and he doesnt sit yet, or crawl, she says he is lazy too...I think its a boy trait. Girls seem to be nosey and into EVERYTHING!!!

Enjoy the rest while you can, believe me once he is up and about there is NO stopping them :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Redshoes-I am bursting with pride on how amazing she is-every day Iam in total awe of her.I dont know what I ever did to deserve such a wonderful little girl :cheer:

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