What a night! (long post)


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2006
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Hey Girliz!!
Sorry i havent been on much but what a night last night faith was rushed to hospital as she stopped breathing!
ive never been so scared in my life she was on oxygen all night ans got out at 12 today!
She was layed in her cot fast asleep when she took a big gasp for air so i just thought she had wind then she did it again and i picked her up noticed she wernt breathing so i hi her on the back then she threw up white mucus lots of it!!
at this point she was going blue so i hit her back again but she was just floppy!! eventually she came round and was as white as a sheep and freezing cold so i took her strait to hospital!!
they looked to see how much oxygen she had and it was only 86 and should be 100ish! so they put her on oxygen and rushed her to bigger hospital in an ambulance!!
she had xrays tests everything! to make sure she hadnt got any fluids on her lungs!! but she didnt!!
they never actually found out what was up with her but im keeping a close eye!!
im so scared now i wont even stay on my own with her! :cry:
Just pleased she is home and doing ok!!
shell hope shes ok, its so scary isnt it, poor little darlin :hug:
:shock: That would have scared the life out of me

Glad she is ok and back home now :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
That must have been so scary. Sending a big :hug: to both of you and I hope she is ok.
Oh my god that would have been so scary... glad she is getting better, :hug:
omg!!!! :shock:

That must of been awful for you, big hugs for both of you :hug: :hug:

Glad shes home and is ok xxxx
:shock: how terrifying! Bet you don't want to take your eyes off her now!Glad she is ok now :hug:
thats so scary wannabemum. i hope you ok as well its not nice to see your baby suffering is it, its one of my worse fears.

lots of hugs to you both xx :hug:
:shock: Oh poor you & Faith, how awful. Glad she's ok now :hug:
omg, u poor thing!!
glad shes ok now, how scary for u :hug: :hug:
OMG you poor thing :hug: you must have been going out of your mind.
i am so glad that she is ok now hun, take care :hug: :hug:

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