What a horrible week....


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2009
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I feel like this week has just been awful...

It started with the whole fiasco at work, and trying to sort out my grievence letter ect on saturday. Then on the sunday I ended up having a row with the FOB. Monday was actually going into work and talking to them about what we plan to do about me working there (im going to ask them for paid leave until maternity leave starts may 5th as compensation), Tuesday again I ended up rowing with the FOB (but we sorted it in the end but getting the point where it was sorted was awful), yesterday was ok, mainly because I spent the day in my house and cleaned and started packing to go home.

But then today, to put a cherry on top of my week, Ive just check my student loan account to see how much Ill get (cause I changed uni which meant my student loans were going to go down) and theyre giving me £350!!!! I was expecting £2200 but then thought it would go down but only by a maximum of £1000. How do they expect me to live on that?! That doesnt even cover the rent I have left to pay. But now I dont want to go into work and ask for over time because quite frankly I never want to go back there. So Im left with a huge overdraft, a pitiful amount of loan and no access to earn any money. :shock:

Sorry for the rant. But my god.
Aw big hugs x I'm afraid I don't have anything practical to suggest but have some hugs instead xxx Hope next week is better for you x
:hug: I really hope things pick up hun. Student Loan people might have made an error? Whatever happens, its friday tomorrow and next week is a new week, hopefully you've got all the crap out the way for the next year at least in one go!
Id like to think ive got all the bad stuff out the way for the year :) Ive rang up Acas and my mum and worked out some ways of saving money. So thats helped :) would be nice to have the option of going for a pint right about now though lol. Thanks for reading the rant girlies....sometimes it helps to just be like gah! and get it out ya system.

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