What a horrible night :(


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2007
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We took Jake to A&E last night and he was kept in until this morning. The last few nights he has had a fever and has been crying out in his sleep but we thought it was teething. But last night he was so hot, like touching a radiator and he was screaming, shivering and dithering. We werent sure what to do but then I spotted a rash all over his back so we went to A&E at 1 this morning. They checked his temp which was 40 so gave him some nurofen but couldnt diagnose the problem in A&E so sent him to the ward where another doctor examined him and determined it is a viral infection on his tonsils, the rash is a symptom of this. He was discharged this lunchtime. he is loads better now. We are still using nurofen/calpol to keep his temp low. He is now wearing us out because he has slept loads but OH and me have hardly slept at all. We'll sleep well tonight :sleep:
Aw Hun - Hope he's back to his normal self again soon xxxxx
Poor Jake and what a terrible end to his birthday :(

I hope he's feeling better soon :hug: :hug: :hug:
Poor little Jake and poor you too. It's so traumatic when they're ill and even worse if you have to take them to hospital. Glad they have seen him and you know what's wrong. Hope he'll be on the mend soon. L xx :hug:
Aww poor little man! Hope he feels better soon and i hope you and OH get some sleep tonight :hug:
Aww bless natalie! Ive only just seen this sp poor jake bless him.

I had to take stephen a couple of years ago as he had symtons like jake and it was terrifying, he stayed in over night as well and was covered in a viral rash too. :(

As soon as any of my two start with a temperature now i have the calpol and neurofen on hand and make them have it too. Have they given you some antibotics?
Ruby was like this before we went away! The doc at the hospital said she had a sore throat and just keep giving her calpol, when we were away her temp went up to 39.9 but we managed to get it back down again, think it was a mixture of teeth and a viral thing, nightmare aint it xx
Poor little man. Hope you're all recovered soon! :hug: :hug:

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