Went to the zoo today....

Rubys mummy

Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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Had a lovely day, my friend took me and Rubes to Chester Zoo..it was fab!! A really sunny day, we had a picnic and saw lots of lovely animals...

Giraffes (look at the ickle baby one!!)




Orang tans


Ruby enjoying the picnic blanket and makeshift parasol (my old brolly!!)


Ruby & Mummy


A VERY tired little girl after her big day out...


Sorry there is so many :oops: xxxxx
what lovely pics
you look so well, your so pretty :D

little Ruby is just beautiful. you dress her fab too.

what a lovely looking pair you both are :D
:oops: :oops: Stop it, I am blushing!!! I felt like Id been dragged through a hedge after walking round all day, madam insisted on being carried most of the way, she didnt want her pram so I made a make shift mei tei with a muslin square, she LOVED it!!! Ordering a proper one asap!!!! :rotfl:
bless her! you looked like you had a great time!
Rubys mummy said:
A VERY tired little girl after her big day out...


ive just realised we have that hat as well! it falls down over alices eyes though.

i love her top!

Hat was from Tescos, it 3-6 months but is HUGE, have to tuck it behind her head!!! Its good for sheilding her face from sun tho, plus we had factor 50 sun lotion on too.

The top is from Asda, its lovely...very light and summery and has little buttons down the back. I love her in it :cheer:
Rubys mummy said:

Hat was from Tescos, it 3-6 months but is HUGE, have to tuck it behind her head!!! Its good for sheilding her face from sun tho, plus we had factor 50 sun lotion on too.

The top is from Asda, its lovely...very light and summery and has little buttons down the back. I love her in it :cheer:

we have the same problem. didn't want to get 0-3 though as it seemed tiny? :think:

going to have to pop to asda tomororw!! :cheer:

i swear, alice is better dressed than me!!
we have the same problem. didn't want to get 0-3 though as it seemed tiny? :think:

going to have to pop to asda tomororw!! :cheer:

i swear, alice is better dressed than me!!

:roll: I know, Ruby has her pick of lovely clothes (well, I spend half an hour each morning trying to decide what to dress her in!!) while I squeeze into anything that wil make me look slimmer!!! :rotfl:
i felt bad for 'treating' myself to a £3 top from tescos the other day, so had to run to the baby clothes and buy her a new summer dress!

thats my criteria now days - do i fit in it ok :lol:
wow Ruby looks so like u zoe!!!
lovely pics, she looks gorgeous!!
mummykay said:
wow Ruby looks so like u zoe!!!
lovely pics, she looks gorgeous!!
I was gonna say the same! She definately has your eyes! She's beautiful! Glad you had a nice day I love Chester zoo! :)
Ruby is gorgeous.....such a cutie!! Glad you had a nice day at the zoo :cheer:
Awwwwwwwww bless her shes such a gorgeous little girly :hug:

Love the hat too, we hav a big problem with getting hats to fit, but she now has a nice pink one curtesy of aunty laura (lozzi) :hug:
Lovley piccys hun, looks like you had a great time :D
so they let you back out the zoo then zoe? :shock: :rotfl:

*runs to hide*

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