Went To The Health Visitor Today...


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2008
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And i have to say how impressed i am! Now in the passed 6 months we are on HV number 3, but we have the same Nursery Nurse called Helen. I had her today and she was truely wonderful. She was just asking general questions of how things are going and i kinda got upset. We're having a few problems at the mo with housing and to be honest i'm worried. The tears started, she hugged me, and fetched me a tissue.
Angel was being a monkey and i was struggling to dress her so she took her and finished her for me. And chatted to me. She's gonna make some phone calls this afternoon and call me back! This to me is amazing! She absolutely had no reason to go out of her way for me but she is doing!

I just want people to know there is hope out there for decent people!
Its so nice when people show they care :hug: :hug: hope your ok :hug: :hug: xxx
aw bless her. That's how good health visitors should be :) they are as much for you as your LO
Thats great Lisa i hope she can help in some way.

How are things going anyway witht the move have you had any luck finding somewhere.
On the other note how is Angel's sleeping has it improved?
Bloom said:
Thats great Lisa i hope she can help in some way.

How are things going anyway witht the move have you had any luck finding somewhere.
On the other note how is Angel's sleeping has it improved?

We're still looking for a home but we have an appointment with the council for next Monday to see where we stand. If they can house us then it's better. We have been told by CAB that we will not be housed and that the 3 of us will be on the street! The Nurse is gonna ring the housing associations for me!

Sleep is improving in a fashion! She is wide awake til midnight! Then gets up 2 maybe 3 times til she finally gets up at 10.30-11am!!!

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