Went to the doctors!!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2011
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So due to my absent periods and frustration I went back to see my gp today. Last time I saw him he mentioned putting me on metformine to induce ovulation but today he said my bmi isn't high enough. Makes a change someone telling me I'm not fat enough! Ha!

So in the end he decide to recur mr to the infertility clinic. I thought it would be too soon as haven't been trying that long but he said as I haven't had a period for 4 months I'm obviously not ovulating and need some help.

Hobby has a semenalysis booked for 18th November and I have to go for an ultrasound then we can go see the constant and hopefully he will put me on clomid. That was the gps plan anyway.

Should be quite happy about this I guess. But can't help feel disappointed in myself. Just wish my body would do as it should and then I wouldn't have to put myself and hubs through all this clinical stuff!
dont beat yourself up hun, you shouldn't be disappointed in yourself...you have taken a courageous step to sorting out any problems by seeing your GP, this is great news that they are taking you seriously and are willing to help! Well done and fingers crossed for you and your hubby! xxx

Off to doctors in the morning to get first prescription of Metformin. Consultant said you need to have a BMI of 25 or more as its really an antidiabetic drug in first form (so i have read)

On the plus side if your BMI is between 20-25 you are perfect baby making weight for when you do get that BFP!

Wishing you all the luck and baby dust
My gp said you have to have a bmi of over 30! Mine is about 27 so he said i cant have it. Hmmm interesting!

From Wikipedia

Polycystic ovary syndrome
Antidiabetic therapy has been proposed as a treatment for polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a condition frequently associated with insulin resistance, since the late 1980s.[23] The use of metformin in PCOS was first reported in 1994, in a small study conducted at the University of the Andes, Venezuela.[24][25] The United Kingdom's National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence recommended in 2004 that women with PCOS and a body mass index above 25 be given metformin for anovulation and infertility

Wow that's annoying! I wonder if it's just local care trust guidelines that say bmi of 30 then.
Hey hun, just wanted to say I agree with Sazzle, don't beat yourself up about it, in one respect it's better things are being done now than a year down the line where you've gone through tonnes of stress etc - at least this way it's being nipped in the bud and dealt with. :thumbup:

I hope the semen analysis comes back fine and things progress quickly.

All the best. :)

x x
Thanks miss July. Feeling a bit more positive about things this morning.
Hey hun glad it went well with gp, at least thing seem to b moving in a positive direction now so FX it all works soon and u get ur bfp!!! xxx

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