Went to see the doc today!

lea m

Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2008
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Got some lovely sexy stockings lol! :rotfl: Some extra thyroxine (Im now on 200mg) and an inhaler as Im really struggling to breathe and we dont know why!? :think: Doc thinks its either hayfever or caused by my mega low levels of thyroxine! :roll: Well we'll see if it helps anyways!
:hug: :hug: :hug: sorry your struggling hun at least you are over half way there now i get my stockings thursday lol :oops: you wont be on your own there :oops: :oops: :oops: :hug: :hug: :hug: xxxxxxxxxxxx
Hee hee well thats ok then! I didnt think I could handle the sexyness of the stockings all by myself!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Luckily doc has only prescribed knee length ones so I could hopefully get them under some knee high boots!! :cheer: haha Might look crazy in knee highs and summer dresses in the heat but better than sweating in jeans! lol
Last time they gave me big thick white ones full length! (Im thinking it was because I had thrombophlebitis)
im hoping not to have the big thick white ones :( i had them right at the end last time and they are foul i will look like a mummy :rotfl: they went right up to my thighs (top) and i had to wear a body support bandage thing which went from just below my boobs to just below my hips :shock: i looked shocking everytime gaz seen me getting dressed or undressed he used to laugh and say "oh so attractive" :rotfl: xxxxxxxxxxx
:rotfl: :rotfl:
Oh I never had to have the body thing :rotfl:
Are your veins ok when your not pregnant!? Mine still hurt and Im thinking of asking the doc to refer me to get them stripped! She was going to last year but I didnt think it was worth the not moving for a few weeks thing lol but now I have a feeling they will be much worse and two weeks off my feet compared to daily aches etc seem so much worth it now!!
Plus also my mam got DVT and then had hers stripped, I dont want to wait for that!! :shock:
ive never ever had a problem with my veins this has just happened this last week :( they dont hurt yet or anything just look unpleasant im worried this is just the start :( the heamatologist (sp) said i had to wear stockings all the way through this time as my blood tends to clot easy when pg and im carrying twins so heavier and with the spd i am not as mobile as i should be so the stockings are a preventitive thing although hopefully should be ok as im on the blood thinning injections and aspirin every day to try and keep my blood from clotting i think the stockings are just an extra precaution
the body thing is horrible have you ever had a tubigrip? when you sprain an ankle or wrist its like an open ended sock made of thick bandage material?
well thats what i have to wear i pull it on like a skirt its quite tight and gives my bump some support and keeps my hip and pelvic bones from moving too much its an alternative to the belt they give for spd for those who cant get on with the belt i found it dug into my belly and i wasnt comfortable i was in agony with the belt on :( xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Yeh thats how I pictured it! Like a big tubigrip!
Oh that all sounds not fun! I hope your blood stays ok and ou dont have to take anything else to stop it clotting! :hug:
My veins look horrid! I know its bad when Dillon notices (he just says what he sees lol) and he said to me "mam whats them horrid lumps on you leg??) Poor boy was quite worried! I told him that its dud veins and nothing to worry about! The real working veins are behind! (he would have worried more if he thought my veins werent working right! lol)
awww bless they worry awful at that age :hug: xxxxxxx
Yeh they do! He asked me the other day how babies come out! lmao! Now hes older I told him the truth and he went "EWWWWWWWWWW" and ran off to tell his brother who wouldnt believe him! I felt kinda bad that i didnt tell Joseph first as he is older lol! But I just decided that if they next asked I would tell them as they thought they come out ofyour belly button lol then they thought about it and was like "it wouldnt fit especially if they baby is big" and I could see they would soon worry that my belly would burst open or something haha :rotfl:
They did take it well though, I just said girls have two holes, one for wee and one for babies! lol They were ok with that haha

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