

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2006
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went out with OH's parents last night for dinner, guess who was waiting for me when i got home... yup Auntie Flo.... UNINVITED!

2 days late.... so gutted... the metallic taste i had has gone pretty much overnight and the cramps are awful, kept me awake most of the night.

going out to get drunk this weekend and then will work out OV days for next month.... Going to stay away from the forum for a couple of weeks its so addictive and its not helping my mental state. I will be checking in though to see all those BFPs!!

Good luck to everyone due to test, congratulations to all those with BFPs already this month, and to all of those getting ready for the next round... it'll be our turn soon.... thank for all the advice and supoprt girls you've been great.... :wave:
im sorry hunny the witch got you - she has a thing for creeping up when your late!! :x

i really hope it happens for you soon hunny - you have been a wonderful buddy and mate on here - i will txt you and let you know my results next week (as long as SHE doesnt arrive!)

take care darlin, dont be gone too long, will miss you... :hug: :hug: :hug:
Aw hun I'm sorry :hug: - perhaps a break away from the forum will be good for you sometimes you can stress out too much ttc is all consuming and if you try not to think about it too much maybe that's when the baby fairy will strick.

I'm keeping everything crossed for you for next month.
I'm really sorry she got you,

I totally understand about staying away from the forum, I used to be on here all through the day but I was getting really stressed about TTC. Every month i was getting all the symptons and having late periods. :wall: (I was never late before coming on here) I've now limited myself to just twice a day and I'm trying my best just to go with the flow. I couldn't stay away completly, I have to know whats going on with everybody. (I'm addicted) :lol:

Hopefully the break will help you relax, take care and good luck for next month :pray:
Sorry Raiche, God dam it I wanted at least one of us to miss the witch, hopefully Miss Gobby will get the better of her! Just wanted to say take care, ive been following your posts lately as weve been in similar situations I too am going to stay away from the forum for a bit. Try to relax and hopefully nature will take its course for us both. :hug:
Am so sorry the witch got you :evil:

Like the others said, try not to think about it so much. DH and I had agreed to stop ttc and try again next year, we were making plans to paint the house when i fell pg so it does work!

Good luck for next month chick! :hug: xx
:hug: sorry she arrived honey :( Relax, have lots of fun and hopefully you'll get your BFP next month :pray:
sad to hear that, better luck for next month, between a knackered back and flu we've not really done much to improve our chances this month...but hey ho we'll try again!
Sorry to hear she arrived :hug: Will cross my fingers for next month :hug:
I'm sorry she got you. The damn b1tch!
A change is as good as a rest, or so they say. Maybe a little time out will do you good. It took me nearly 2 and a half years to get pregnant. I had given up hope, stopped thinking about it and hey presto, I was pregnant! :shock: :D
You never know! Good luck hun :hug:
Sorry to hear this.

Try and not stress, and remember to stay positive.

X all the best X

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