Well, todays the day...


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2010
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Today is supposed to be my OV day. However, the OPKs have been useless so we've BDd regularly including this morning! So now, Im hoping for a BFP ! Please please please lol.
Hi cherry! I'm with u again this month, had a positive opk on Wednesday so I'm now 3/4 dpo. Let's hope this is our month!! Xxx
Oh Pos, I shall keep my fingers crossed for you. To be fair my last cycle was 32 days but the OPKs showed a dark line on cycle day 11 which is bizarre so I just worked out 28 days, 30 days and 32 days and bd'd in all the right places lol. xx

Good luck. i have to wait to more days this 2ww is the longest wait ever
It's annoying isn't it when it varies, I started spotting on a Monday then full flow on the Wednesday so wasn't sure which day to count from, decided on the Wednesday and had a real shock in the week when I got the positive opk, wasn't expecting it for a few days so not holding out much hope, we bd'd on Wednesday and Thursday and that was it ! :( xx
FX Hopscotch :) I hate the last 2 or 3 days its horrible! When I was late last month I was sooo excited but it wasnt to be.

Pos, sounds like your OVd same as me, was super early and I didnt expect it to be fair but I dont trust the OPKs or my own body anymore lol. x
i know what you mean hun, ive literally had every sign, sometimes all at once over the past 10 months and still no bfp, it does make you lose faith in 'knowing' your body!! xx
Well I clearly dont know anything about my body lol. My ticker says that Im out of OV/fertile stage now so I can only hope I did it at the right times and get a BFP this month. *sigh*
FX Hopscotch :) I hate the last 2 or 3 days its horrible! When I was late last month I was sooo excited but it wasnt to be.

Pos, sounds like your OVd same as me, was super early and I didnt expect it to be fair but I dont trust the OPKs or my own body anymore lol. x

i just dont get how i ovd on the 22nd and now 15days after i am supost to be ov again?? i know what you mean though sometimes i think sod all the opks and charts.
thats weird how can you OV twice in a months cycle? I havent done anymore OPKs as I thought they were rubbish.
thats what i am thinking, it can be possibal. maybe its picking up something else
I nearly put that! Ive been reading that a postitive OPK can detect pregnancy! oooooooh x
that would explain it, but not why the hpt doesnt pick anything up yet confused is not the word lol

Hope we get our bfp soon :)
This is what I read and it might explain it a bit:

OPK's as HPT's:
using an ovulation test to confirm pregnancy

Overall-- yes, it can be done. Ovulation predictor tests (known as OPK's because they are normally sold in a set of tests known as a "kit," thus the K) will show a positive result when a woman is pregnant, as well as when she's ovulating.

Specifically-- while it works most of the time, there are good reasons to avoid using an OPK as an HPT for diagnostic purposes. If you want to pee on any stick that will stand still after you know you're pregnant, just for fun, have at it. But I would not recommend using an OPK in place of an HPT overall.

Reasoning-- OPK's detect LH (luteinizing hormone) which is the hormone associated with ovulation. Pregnancy tests detect hCG, the hormone associated with pregnancy. LH and hCG are, at a molecular level, nearly identical. hCG has a beta subunit, meaning it has an extra little "doodad." To use a stupid but easy to understand example, LH and hCG are identical twins, except that hCG wears a funny hat.

An OPK tests only for the part of the molecule that LH and hCG have in common (the "face" or "body" of the identical twins.) Essentially an OPK is saying:

So an OPK will turn positive when it detects either of the "identical twins"-- ovulation or pregnancy hormone.

The reverse is not true, however, because an HPT tests for the part of the molecule that is unique to hCG (the "hat.") So an HPT would say:

Therefore, a pregnancy test will turn positive only in the presence of hCG, whereas an OPK will turn positive in the presence of hCG or LH.
Now, it's important to note that OPK's work differently than HPT's. A pregnancy test will develop 2 lines only if hCG (pregnancy hormone) is detected. Thus, "a line is a line" when determining a positive HPT. OPK's work differently. An OPK has a "control" line and a "test" line, just like an HPT. Unlike an HPT, however, the mere presence of a "test" line does not mean the test is positive. The test line must be as dark as, or darker than, the control line to be a positive result (meaning that a surge was detected, rather than the ordinary amount of LH usually found in your urine every day.)

This means that there is already some ambiguity involved in reading an OPK's results. Sometimes the line is almost as dark as the control line, but perhaps not quite as dark. Sometimes only the edge turns dark, or the top half of the line is darker than the bottom.

Additionally, OPK's are not as sensitive as a lot of HPT's are. This means that, if pregnant, you are likely to get a positive HPT earlier than you would get a positive OPK.
Its all a bit confuzzling to me but I guess its basically saying an OPK can predict pregnancy and its all to do with hormones lol.
Im in limbo, Im not sure when my OV was and Im not sure when my AF is due so I dont know what DPO I am :(
Its all a bit confuzzling to me but I guess its basically saying an OPK can predict pregnancy and its all to do with hormones lol.
Im in limbo, Im not sure when my OV was and Im not sure when my AF is due so I dont know what DPO I am :(
i saw that yestaday. :)

It does add to the more confusing of why isnt the hpt working but the opk is??

Oh well lol i have another hpt for the morning.

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