Weird Pregnancy Dreams?


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2008
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I had this very strange dream a few nights back, where i went to water my lily plant and suddenly all these beetles and things came up from inside the dirt and just swarmed over the plant, and then just dissapeared back into the dirt again. I then (bravely lol) covered this plant with 2 black bags, then 1 of thoese strong green garden bags and put loads of brown tape around it.....i ran out to the bin and threw it in there then ran back indoors!.....Now, i dont know if its pregnancy making me have dreams like this or "I'm a celebrity....." :D
Anyone else had weird dreams since getting their BFP?
My dreams have been crazy....I have been stuck in a board game with Christian from Eastenders, I have headbutted people who havent been doing their work properly, I have went into hospital to have a boob job and when I woke up I had no legs :shock: :shock: , I have went into labour and within an hour had given birth to 8 babies :shock:
Pregnancy is just mad! :lol:
I had a dream last night that we all - dunno who else, know couple of cousins were there - had to look after a child each. Some had more children. It was like a massive party. I had this 5 year old girl I was babysitting. :shock:
i have been having horrible dreams, and some funny ones. i had one where my baby was born but was having bad alergic reactions to my dog, we had to get rid of him and i have had him for ten years, i woke up and was almost in tears. then i had one where we saw something about a rare parrot, it was in this house somewhere, so me and my OH went, when we got there it was just a parrot in a cage and it didn't even talk, and it was in this really horrible house where and old lady, her daughter and daughters husband and there three tear away kids lived. when we got home we looked on the internet and saw some reviews stating things like "they use their sofa as a bin" anyway i woke up laughing my head off. then last night had a horrible dream where someone left their daughter with me to hide from her husband, i looked after the girl and i saw on the news the mother had been shot by her husband, then he came looking for me and wanted to shot me, his car was parked outside for what seemed like hours, i would wake up scared then every time i went back to sleep i would go back to where his car was parked outside. i woke up crying then this morning, haven't had nightmares for over 20 years
Iv been having some really weird dreams. Last night i had a dream that there were 2 massive spiders dangleing above me and they fell just as i moved. Then i ended up in a river with DH and a massive snake was there :cry:
louears said:
i have been having horrible dreams, and some funny ones. i had one where my baby was born but was having bad alergic reactions to my dog, we had to get rid of him

When I first read this I thought you meant you got rid of the baby!!!!!

I dreamt I had twin boys... there's somebody on here preggers with twin boys though so I'm hoping that's all that dream was... :shock:
ejjie said:
louears said:
i have been having horrible dreams, and some funny ones. i had one where my baby was born but was having bad alergic reactions to my dog, we had to get rid of him

When I first read this I thought you meant you got rid of the baby!!!!!

I dreamt I had twin boys... there's somebody on here preggers with twin boys though so I'm hoping that's all that dream was... :shock:
no lol the dog :rotfl: aww no twins are hard work, lovely too but hard work
I dreamt last night that I'd told my boss I was pregnant and she was more concerned with the fact she'd have to find someone to replace me temporarily. It ended up in me telling her how useless she was as a boss, how she was only concerned with herself and how a trained monkey could do what she did!!! :rotfl:
Ended up me getting the sack cos I told her to shove her job where the sun doesn't shine but then my hubby shouted at me cos i'd lost my maternity pay!!!

Thing is, this is what is actually like where I work. I'm not going to tell her for a good few months as I know that's what she'll say.

God, it really is starting to consume every hour of each day now and not just the ones when i'm awake :lol:
OH shouted baby in the middle of night last night :doh: While I was dreaming bout the TTC bit. I need to get out more :lol:
I've had some doozies - last night I was trying to breastfeed my baby - who was tiny - and the milk was just coming out as this congealed mess and kept missing his mouth. A few weeks ago I dreamt I gave birth, and the baby got up and started walking around - he was normal newborn size, and I was totally freaking out. I was in hopsital, but there was no-one else there, and for some reason I couldn't get up off the bed. It was awful! When I have a dream involving my baby, sometimes it's a boy, sometimes it's a girl, so I'm not getting any clues about which we team we are!
Serendipity_ said:
OH shouted baby in the middle of night last night :doh: While I was dreaming bout the TTC bit. I need to get out more :lol:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
some of our dreams are crazy, this thread is making me laugh today, i am in a very silly mood as it is :rotfl: :rotfl:
I've been having wierd dreams aswell.

Last night I had a dream that we (me and OH) were at a funeral (nice) and my husbands mum told me that my husbands grandad died two days ago. No one told me, I was distraught. Crying like mad.

Bearing in mind my husbands grandad passed about 6 years ago.

Then when I woke up this morning I feel like I have been punched in the eye, no visable bruising just real sore and still sore now.
I had a dream last night that we had a wee boy and I was getting him ready for bed and when I pulled his sleepsuits out of the drawer, every one of them had been painted in various colours to match my husbands bike leathers and I was furious! :lol: The other night I had a dream that I had a wee girl and was trying to change her nappy and the sticky bits wouldnt stick. I kept trying over and over and eventually the baby looked at me and said 'for f*ck sake Mum, get a new bloody nappy!' :shock:
mine last night was i was in a show and on a train and i had to throw these evil artefacts (which were ornaments) out of the train window but cos it wasnt really moving they were all landing on the track next to each other, and i was like this isnt right! Then it all got surreal when one ornament was of barbara windsors shrunken head and it was talking to me and then an old man walked past patted my tumy and said ' all your babies will look like you'' - and i'm thinking this isnt a tv show anymore!!! I was scared lol

it was scarier when i was dreaming it, just sounds daft when i typed it! :rotfl:
I dreamt last night I finally got the girls together for drinks (have been feeling bad avoiding them till I'm 3 months) at one of the girls new house (which in real life I have already seen) her bathroom was awful (in the dream not real life), the sink was a cut out in the wall but it was only the size of a credit card - one single hand wouldn't even fit.

So we all lied and said how wonderful her house was ESPECIALLY the bathroom :fib: :fib:

Then I went home to hubby and cried that I'll never be able to wash the baby becuase it won't fit in Lisa's sink. Hubby was stuggling to come up with a solution - he eventually said you'll have to ask you sister to borrow her's. :shock: :shock:

Even when I woke up I thought: what's wrong with our sink - I didn't register straight away that it was not the 1930's and that normal people don't tend to wash their babies in a sink! :shock: :rotfl:
I had a dream that I was dating Simon Cowell. Does that class as a nightmare? Ewwwww could you imagine dating someone with a flat head haircut, trousers up to his nipples and shirts opened as far down as the trousers? :puke:
:rotfl: :rotfl:

Are you sure it was a nightmare and not a fantasy?? :rotfl: :rotfl:

He's single you know!! :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :lol:
i was washed in the sink and i still have memories of my bum on a freezing metal drainer :eek:

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