weird feeling


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2008
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i dont knw how to explain, and i guess with recent things its to be expected, but i cant help but feel un-pregnant. i dont know. i dont feel pregnant any more. i know all is good as they still had a HB monitor on pink bump earlier and all is fine, but i just dont feel right. and this may sound awful but i dont feel like anythings happened either it has and i can feel it has, both physically and mentally, but it still doesnt seem real etc.

i dont know. and now im feeling like i could go out, get pissed, have a million gazillion fags, and wouldnt care. i dont think i could do it, as i do know, but i still wouldnt feel bad if i did it i dont think.

i dont know whats up, maybe because the pains gone, the sickness ahs gone, and i know she's ok for now. god knows why.

sorry to moan you must be fed up of me by now
i just have no words for u hun :hug: i havent been through wat u have so i jst dnt understand how u are feeling but i didnt want to read and run... maybe u cud go away for a few days or summit do something different maybe :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Can you get a doppler so that u could listen to little ones heartbeat whenever you want to? Do you feel little one kick yet? :hug:
It must be so hard for you. You are court between having to mourn your loss, while staying positive for the baby you still have. Cannot be an easy balance to achieve. Your feelings are normal. Friends who have lost babies late on, wanted to just go out and get drunk and do all the things they could not do while pregnant. You are feeling this because you have had a loss.

I know everyone finds it hard to know how to put things into words. I hope I have said what i wanted to say in the right way.

Thinking of you :hug: :hug: :hug:
I'm not surprised you feel like that hun! i think the best of do sometimes and that's with minimal problems to deal with.
I bet it will take time for you to feel anywhere near ok again and that's to be expected.
You have coped with it amamazingly-keep fighting chick you're doing really well.

ps-no one is fed up of you-that's what we're hear for.
I don't think there is any right or wrong way for you to be feeling at the moment. Just keep doing what you feel is right for you.
You had a loss but you still have a little girl inside you..

That would cause a mix of emotions for anyone

Hope youll be ok xxxxx :hug:
We're not sick of you hun! The forum went all ghostly on us when you weren't here :(

After what you've been through, you're bound to go through all sorts of emotions. Don't forget, you're grieving for your little boy.

It was so unnatural what happened to you - You probably don't know whether you're coming or going at the moment, but that's to be expected.

Babe, you're a trooper... You've coped bloody well through all that's happened - we all admire you and think you're bloody fantastic for doing so well.

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Big huge hugs from me sweet heart :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
i mirror what all the other gilies have said
we are all hear for you and you have every right to feel confused at the mo
we are not sick of you we all love a good moan
and the great thing about this place is eveyone will listen and give you supprt
as you have done for others
we all love you and mossed you when you were gone
lol sarah :hug: :hug: :hug:
just wanted to say what everyone else has already, that it's ok to feel how you are, and don't ever worry about bothering anyone - we all miss you when your not here.

Pregnancy has its up and downs at the best of times so just take each day as it comes :hug:
Just to reiterate what everyone else said really. You've had a loss and yet you're still pregnant. The mind & body react in some strange ways. You've been through something really awful and I don't think there is a way a person 'should' or 'shouldn't' act after that. Sending you lots of hugs :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: I don't really know what to say and have no proper advice, other than you feel how you feel and try not to stress yourself because you think you should feel a certain way. (I don't know if that makes any sense - basically don't load any more worry on yourself - just go with however you're feeling as there is no 'right' way to feel/act.) Take care hun, and feel free to talk about whatever you want whenever you want.

(Even if it is salmon paste!!!)
i'm home :) which feels better already in some ways, im so glad to be around Romi again and things seem a little easier with me and Shaun too. It's stil so strange. Shaun has got rid of allsorts that would have reminded me lol, but now it just feels like im not pregnant at all. i REALLY want a smoke too :cry: not going to though, or i'd hate myself lol.

i'm stil lay and relaxing etc (got told no grown up naughtyness for at least 6 weeks :|) lol he doesnt mind though.

anyways, thanks for our replies, and im so hapy i got home to Salmon Paste - yay! lol
Glad you are home hun! :hug: :hug:

Things can seem a bit surreal in a hospital environment, and that's in a normal situation, so you probably just needed to get home and relax properly!

bellybump said:
i'm home :) which feels better already in some ways, im so glad to be around Romi again and things seem a little easier with me and Shaun too. It's stil so strange. Shaun has got rid of allsorts that would have reminded me lol, but now it just feels like im not pregnant at all. i REALLY want a smoke too :cry: not going to though, or i'd hate myself lol.

i'm stil lay and relaxing etc (got told no grown up naughtyness for at least 6 weeks :|) lol he doesnt mind though.

anyways, thanks for our replies, and im so hapy i got home to Salmon Paste - yay! lol

Glad you're feeling better! Onwards and upwards from this point on babe.

Glad your seeing the positive things hun, remember even if you can't be physical with your man make sure and get plenty hugs :hug:
Hi Bellybump,

Really glad to hear you're home now. I think you're coping really well - you've been through a lot and I'd agree with everyone else - it's natural that you feel like you do. All I'd say really is do allow yourself to grieve for your son - it'll likely make you stronger for your little girl in the long term.

It's likely that some of your symptoms have worn off simply because they do at this stage - I've noticed that too (many of the things I couldn't eat for a while I have started to eat again over the last few weeks, and the horrible nausea has completely vanished now). I do find myself wondering sometimes but when I feel the baby move it's very reassuring!

I'd also admit that after my m/c last year, all I wanted at the end of each month was to down a bottle of wine (or 2!!!) And I did this, including the month when I was so convinced I wasn't pregnant, and actually I was!!! It's natural to want to get away, and go back to the way things were before for a while - not that you'd actually do it but that's not the point - don't feel guilty about feeling that way. :hug:

All the best

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