weird feeling...anyone else get this?


New Member
Sep 25, 2008
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Hello...Just wondered if any one else is experiencing the following and if it means it's the start of the labour??

I get the tight tummy sensation (Braxtons) and a heavy feeling down below have had them for a while now. For the last week and a bit i've had a constant pain in my left ribs the pain increases dependant on my movements and sneezes, coughs, laughs, etc. Then i starting getting loose movements (sorry too much info!).

Now the last couple days i've been getting this feeling on and off which is the heavy feeling coupled with a breathless kind of feeling but not breathless like i've done too much more like my lungs are being squeezed and when this happens i get fuzzy headed.

It still feels like bubs is moving about a bit and at last Midwife appointment bubs wasn't engaged. Oh and no obvious stuff like shows or waters breaking...Am i just getting anxious....

Any ideas??? Comments??? :think:

To be honest, I have experienced almost all of what you describe. The tightenings, the strong pressure down low, loose bowel movements every day, etc. I was at docs yesterday and baby is only partly engaged so nowhere near ready to come out yet. But all these things DO mean that he / she is getting ready to make an appearance, surely.

Take care...
Sorry to say but i am like this now, pretty much just as you describe, however we are all different and it could be the start of something for you, lets hope so :wink:
Im the same too sorry! Good luck though hun! :hug:
Im also the same but only 33 weeks, I would try not to focus too much on wether baby is engage or not as with my first I had mw appointment on a wednesday at 38 weeks and he wasnt engaged yet he was born o the Friday and my labour from start to finish was 2 hours.

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