weird craving

confuzed 88

Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2010
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I crave junk... maaccy d, pizza fried chicken, so I've had maccy d meals two nights In a row, just had a huge pizza, going to get kfc tonight...I eat crisp sandwiches.....
am I being really unhealthy, is this going to affect my bubba? I really hope not as its the only stuff I feel like eating, homefood makes me want to heave :'(
OOOOH crisp sandwich!! I am going to make one now!! Yum Yum!!

I read that the first trmester is not all that important to be eating all healthy as the baby is not feeding from you but fromt he yolk sac and obviously with sickness it is just advised to eat what you can so that you are still eating.
I would not worry, just try and eat a few healthy bits too :)
I'm exactly the same confused. As long as your taking a good pregnancy supplement/vitamin then u should get everything you and the baby needs
I had exactly the same, for the first 2 weeks after finding i out i was pregnant. Chinese, pizza, chips and curry sauce etc etc. Now i am 11 weeks , and seem to have calmed down, my appetitie is also back to normal too, i was gonna end up the size of a house the rate i was eating!!
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Nope! Mainly I'm eating lots of soup, making my poor husband make me some fresh every other day.

But am massively craving rum! That probably counts as junk
Me too, Ive gone off all my favourites at home and just want rubbish!!

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