
Thanks for the nice comments about my bump, it feels huge, guess it's already stretched once down there so it popped straight back out again!

Seriously though, it doesn't really matter how much you do or don't put on does it, as long as baby is happy in there!

Just need to stay off those jaffa cakes..................... :lol:
Just for you Jazz............






:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Sorry couldn't resist :hug:
I was going to go and weight myself then, but I think I might have to rise from my sickbed and venture out for some jaffa cakes now instead :rotfl:
:rotfl: :hug:
That did make me chuckle.
Im gonna go ask my nan if she has any jaffa cakes *pokes out tongue* :angel:
jazzmum2be said:
It says by week 20 i should of put on 2.83 pounds.
No idea what that is in stone though but it doesnt alot haha

You've read what you should have put on in the last two weeks. I just put your details into the calculator and by week 20 your weight should be 125.5 pounds so your total weight gain by now should be 13.5 pounds. 14 pounds in a stone so thats basically a stone in weight that you should have gained by now. :)
Ive put on a stone and a half so far :shock: Im still tiny tho really!!
I have no idea what I weighed before I was pg, but I've lost 4lbs since my booking appointment at 9wks :?

I'm putting it down to losing my appetite whilst I had morning sickness, and never really getting it back. Also, not drinking has to help too, not that I was a lush before, honest! :angel:
Ive not weighed myself at all and tbh the weight gain doesnt worry me at all as il have little grace to show for it at the end of it all. :D
Im 22 wks and have gained a stone exactly, if I now have 4 months to go and another stone then that seems reasonable but I will be back at the gym after my 6 weeks check so Im not stressing about it, even though I hate busting out of all my clothes!

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