Weight loss in pregnancy

Tiny Sue

Well-Known Member
May 26, 2005
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Guys, I'm just back from holiday in Latvia where hubby and I walked everywhere and the food wasn't brilliant from a quality point of view...so I ate what I wanted and left the rest.

I hadn't weighed myself since my frist check up - and my weight then was 79.6 kilos. I weighed myself this morning - twelve weeks pregnant - and found that I am only 75.7 now! I've lost over a half stone!

I HOPE that baby has been getting the right nutrients etc. I took folic acid up until the other day, when I got to 12 weeks. but morning sickness has been more obvious in the last fortnight instead of disappearing and my appetite has increased.

Anyone have any comments?

I think everyone is different, I have a definate baby belly but when I weigh myself I weigh what I did before I got pregnant, keep saying it must be moving from bum and thighs to belly! but if you have morning sickness and on and off sickness then it is likely thats keeping your weight down, just eat what you fancy for now, its all you can do and dont worry soon you'll be stressing about how much you've gained!
Don't worry to much about the weight loss its common in most pregnancies to lose weight before u actually gain it. I've lost almost 20 lbs but i do have a baby bump already all my weight lost is coming from my butt and everywhere else dr said its ok cause the baby is taking all the weight. Just remain doing the things you do and take ur vitamins and eat and you and ur baby will be healthy.

Hiya mate. I lost just over a stone by the time I was about 8 weeks pregnant - and the doctors reasured me that the baby will still get the nutrients from me, it's just I wouldn't have much left. Try and eat healthily again now you are back and I'm sure you will be fine babe. I'm still over half a stone under my pre-pregnancy weight of 9st4lb, but doing okie and feeling better.

If you feel dizzy and/or not right, go and get it checked with the doc, otherwise just eat well xx (and I have a definate baby bump already!)
Hi gals...

As it happened, I wasn't feeling great because I have a Urinary Tract Infection, much to my disgust. The nurse found leucocytes and proteins in my urine and they did a culture. Yuk. Now on Augmentin, feeling crappy, hungry, but not hungry enough to want to eat - though I have been eating like a horse ( make up for lost time eh).

Will check my weight again some time next month. Don't want to obsess about it.


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