Weight gain crisis!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2011
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Just worked out on some calculator that as I was 11st6lb before pregnancy, I should only gain 1st6lb by the end!! I've already gained it!! :( another 16 weeks of putting weight on at this rate or higher and I'm gonna be massive :( I had issues with my weight 2 years ago, got down to a healthy happy small 12 this time last year, and now I'm freaking out I'm losing control again!! I know I'm pregnant and can't diet, and I'm gonna get heavier before I can get smaller... But I'm so scared of the mammoth task of budging this weight after the baby is born. What if I can't? I was so unhappy being bigger before, I can't stand it!!want my husband to still be attracted to me after all this lol xxx
I wouldn't take the weight gain averages as gospil, I've gained about 15kg which is about 2.5st i think. If u breastfeed u use 500 calories a day and ur body stores fat in ur thighs for producing the milk which gets used up. Then how much water u hold,baby birth weight and placenta plus boobs etc...

Its horrible not being able to control ur weight the way u would pre pregnancy but ur LO is worth it xx
Don't panic! You will budge it because you are determined not to stay bigger than you were! Enjoy your pregnancy and then worry about dropping the sizes! Personally i'm really looking forward to losing the weight again!
I agree with Auntie2mummy you already said you managed to get down to a size 12 once and as you are so determined will have no problem doing it again. Plus everyone keeps telling me I will lose what I have gained once baby has arrived through various forms like Lisa says breastfeeding alone burns calories!!

If it makes you feel any better I have never owned scales in my life as always been fairly happy with my curvy figure (big butt and things) but caved in last weekend and bought some. I have gained 2stone and I still have 3 months left so that is easily going to be another 1 or 2!

As you say we cant diet so just enjoy it and deal with whats left after baby has arrived. x
My MW last week said everyone should put on at least 2.5 stone no matter what weight u start off at? but guess different places have different rules

im over 1.5 stone up allready well I was last week im prob more now lol

Try not to let it get to you so much of it will be the baby , fluids, boobs ect :)
Try not to worry, I put on weight so quickly at the start and at 6 months was getting asked 'Any day now!' I was a size 10-12 before and put on a stone by week 15. Im now nearly 33 weeks and I weigh 2.5 stone heavier than I did at the start, although i havent gained weight in the last month. But Ive read that you lose around 1.5 stone as soon as the baby is born and Im planning to BF so thatll help with the weight, and also get back to spinning classes when I feel ready. Enjoy your pregnancy, but dont pig out, and you'll be fine chick. Good luck xxx
if i have to put on 2.5 stone then im gonna have to pig out something chronic lol. i havent even put on half a stone.........
I've put loads of weight on. It's probably pushing 1.5 stone. I am doing something about it as of today though.

Swimming starts tonight and no more excessive biscuit eating!
ive just come back from an app with the consultant anaesthetist (have to have a chat with them cos my bmi is 40) got the generic your weight can make things difficult and you should diet after baby is born talk. got weighed while there and at 25 weeks (almost) i have put on exactly 3.5kg since my booking in appointment. i could swear i read somewhere that its not necessary to put on more than 16 pound but it might have been as low as 12. noone should actually worry about their weight as everyones body reacts differently but you know yourself if you have been eating too many biccies lol
I have a high BMI and having extra appointments due to my weight think my BMI is 36 but in everyother way Im healthy. The funny thing is they weighed me at the booking appointment and not again since so I dont know how much Ive actually put on im dying to know LOL I just thought with being a bigger mummy they would check the weight thing more often XX
yeah, thats the only reason i had to go see the consultant then cos my bmi was 40. ive literally always been overweight, i can lose weight when i diet but can never keep it down. i was 13 stone at 13 yrs old etc. the only reason ive been weighed 3 times was my booking app weigh in, a weight for the downs blood tests (thats what the mw said) and today at the consultant as she was going on about how a high bmi can make it difficult to labour and harder to get an epidural in which i knew anyway. maybe theyre not that concerned about yours being at 35?
I have a high BMI and no/one has weighed me since booking in. During Tri1I lost 1.5 stone due to MS. Didn't put weight on until about 3-4 weeks ago. Really trying to watch what I eat (ie healthily) coz I don't want to get massive at the end.
I've put 3 1/2 stone on :( i'm both amazed and disgusted but as long as my LO is healthy I can starve myself after she's born
Well i asked about going to the midwife centre to give birth and they said they would prefer me to go to hostpital as im 'high risk' its silly suppose its all for babies sake, one of my friends put on 5 stone during her pregnancy another put on a stone and a half so everyone is different. I think as long as you are being sensible and not doing the eating for two thing to extreme you can hopefully shift it once LO is here im not worrying at all really but im not being excessive either.
yeah i just eat when im hungry if i can stomach it. its just that most of the time ive only been able to stomach small portions or fruit. i count myself extremly lucky not that the consultant was impressed lol. just got harped on at to lose weight once baby is born. well yeah its not like i planned to get fatter duh
Just weighed myself today and I have put on a stone and a half!! It seriously shocked me because my weight gain was hardly anything at 15 weeks so I must've put it all on in the last 6 weeks!! Glad I am not the only one though, and like everyone says we won't stay like this forever, we'll get back to our ore pregnancy weight at some point! I just hope I don't put much more on because I am seriously unfit! Xx
I know, I hadn't put on very much at the beginning of this tri, it's all been pretty recent and shocking! I will def enjoy losing it all again though, as long as I can! Praying my belly doesn't wind up too flabby from the stretching, would love a flat tummy again!! Very much wishful thinking haha. Thank you all for the reassurance xx

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