Weight?! Bit confused

lea m

Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2008
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I have weighed myself about 4 times since being pregnant! The first being at about 6 weeks!
Well over time its gone up slowly, I weighed myself two week ago and had put on a total of 7lbs! Not alot but I know babs is fine and needed to lose some before hand so probably because of that!
Well yesterday i weighed myself again while I was waiting to be picked up from swimming at it said I have actually only put on 4lbs?!
Do you think i have lost some weight!? That wouldnt be good would it!?
Im eating well and although feel sick often not actually being sick!?!
I always make sure Im wearing similar clothes (cotton dress and crocs etc) and use the electronic height and weight machines?! :think:
You lucky cow!!

I hope Evie's 3 stone (give or take a few pounds) because I reckon that's about how much I've put on! :lol:

I've never actually weighed myself, but I wouldn't worry. Like you said, you're still eating enough and Lola's healthy so just thank you're lucky stars that you're one of the lucky ones!

Hey hun I put on 3 1/2 stone with Joseph!! :lol: :lol:
I do think its because I was a bit heavier this time ( a bit haha I was heavier before getting pg this time then I were when I was 9 months with the others hahahaha)
But I dont want to be losing weight!? Hmm not going to think or worry about it!? Even if I have lost weight as long as Lola's chunky and healthy still its not something to worry about like you said!? I hope haha
Mine has been going up and down like a yoyo for the past month. I only put on about 7pounds till a couple weeks ago then that seemed to go up to 14 then down again. I'm not worried because I don't feel as if I have put weight on anywhere other than the bump. :) Heheee Im probs deluded lol!
Maybe you have been eating really healthily and lost some lea? Should be ok so long as you weren't bean pole thin beforehand :D
Thanks hun! Maybe I have!? :think: haha Oooh have you ever know a lady lose weight while pregnant ?!?! hahaha

Nickilubs, from your pics you only look like you have added bump weight!!

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