Amanda said:I read this thread for the first time on Saturday afternoon, and bloody wish I hadn't!!!!!!!!
I haven't even been back on here to catch up on posts as every time the pc is on, Weffriddles is on!! Nearlly missed X Factor on Saturday night because we were all hooked!!! For the first time in weeks, the tv was off (DH can't function without it being on!), and the 3 of us were huddled round the pc with Charlie on my knee.
We've managed the first 29 between us!
But now I'm totally stuck on 30. It looks so simple, but we just can't work it out.
lol the weff riddles addiction curse strikes again!!
have you changed the format to get to 30 with the new wr2 in the URL ?
if so then your hint for 30 is : go back to the answers from the previous riddles shown in 30!
If not then add the link at the top of the black and green page which will take you to 30
good luck