Weds 23rd April


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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Thats the date im going to the docs, just phoned up now and the lady asked what the appointment was for i just said about my periods and irregular cycles coz i didnt want to go to deep into it all over the phone and she said it was fine. Got alot of questions to ask about what tests i can have, the reasons for my now irregular cyles, only over the last 5 months or so that i cant calculate where the hell i am in my cycle, why the hell my fertility monitor is still saying im fertile but has not reached the peak to suggest im not ovulating, why im just randomly getting pains which seem like hurrendous period pains in the oddest places in my cycle, i excited and nervous at the same time, i also want to ask if i can have another scan to check up on the cysts in my overies are better or worse, from all the pain im having im thinking worse tbh but cant dwellon that, im just hoping there is something they can do, i know im not quite at a year yet but i just wont tell em that as i really am not far off that mArk, is there any other questions you think would be relevant for me to ask when im there, in have so many questions and i tend to forget them all very easily.

Sorry this is so long, just a big thing forme, might finally have some answers as to why im not pg yet :pray:
aww hun, hope it all goes well for you keep us updated :hug:
Thats great that you are going to get some help. I wouldnt worry about it not being exactly a year, cos like you said, its near enough and they wont know anyway.

Good luck :hug:
Thanks for your kind words you 2 much appreciated :hug:
Hope it all goes ok hun.

When I came off the pill in October 2004; my periods were really irregular!

I ended up back and forth at the doctors as I wanted to sort it out (if there was something to sort out) sooner rather than later!

I was told that I has PCOS and basically to just get on with it.

I continued to have irregular periods; so I started taking wellwoman supplements; now I don't know if this is coincedence (sp?)or not but my periods were a lot less erractic when I started taking this supplement and I also fell pregnant with Gabs quite quickly!

Good luck at your appointment :hug:
Ooh, good luck at your appointment. Keep us posted.

@Tina & Gabs: your daughter's name is the same as my name and spelled the same way :D
Wow really where did you get those suplements from, i have some agnus cacatus but im shocking with remembering to take em, naughty mel, im really qworried the docs will just fob me off as im only 20 but i really mainly wana see if the cysts are worse or better, will they fob me off you think??
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
We'll be thinking about you! Good luck and keep us posted on what the doc says! :hug:
Don't let them fob you off hun.

You can get the supplements from Boots; supermarkets; may be cheaper online though. Have a search about.

Emeraldroses; Gabriella is a pretty name but quite unusual over here. I think it is quite popular in Portugal :D
Thanks for all your support ladies i appreciate it so much, love you all :hug:
Tina & Gabs said:
Emeraldroses; Gabriella is a pretty name but quite unusual over here. I think it is quite popular in Portugal :D

It's also quite popular in Italy :D Is your OH Portuguese?

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