Wedding ring test


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2007
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The wedding ring test.

I was wondering if the people that already know the sex of their baby could give it a go and see what happens.

Wedding ring on a piece of cotton dangle over the baby bump and it is supposed to swing sideways for a boy and in circles for a girl.

I know its an old wives tale but just thought its a bit of fun for those of us who don't know the sex of there baby yet.
Just looked on the web to check and it can be a pin, needle, wedding ring.
ill check later , can i use hubbies ring , ive just tried to get mine off and cant :shock:
my friend did this on me and it said I would have a girl first then a boy. She repeated it a number of times before I was pregnant, then did it again when I was pregnant and it said girl and it was right. But I am very sceptical - will let you know in Feb if guess 2 is correct.
my mum did it on me when i was pregnant that first time and it said girl boy girl. then i had a miscarriage and when i got pregnant this time my mum did it and it said boy girl soo im wondering if the first ine would have been and girl and this one a boy! ill find out in 2 weeks! :D:D :cheer:
We've been waiting to give this ago. I thought you had to have a big bump though LOL
I dont beleive this kind of thing but it is fun, i just did this and it was wrong.... :x Oh well never mind.
i might try it if OH is up for it...last night i dreamt the scan operator gave it away that its a girl , and in my dream i was really worried that my partner was this morning i asked him if he would be disappointed and he said of course not :D
I already know the sex of our baby but thought id give it a go for fun and it was right. Im quite sceptical about this kida stuff though.
I haven't tried that but interestingly, I went to a psychic about ten years ago when my son was aged 5. She asked me if I had two children and I said no, I've got one! Then she asked if it was a girl, and I said NO boy! She then looked suprised because there was definitely a baby girl in her opinion. Well maybe I was a bit convinced then that 15 years later, this one was going to be a girl, but she was WRONG as im expecting another boy..

Unless... im going to have another one or............ the sonographer was wrong?? :shock: :shock:
Noooo I really don't want anymore lol
I dont know the sex but keep meaning to do this!!! Im intrigued if it will work or not too, just for fun. :)
We tried this at the weekend with my Mum, she did it over her own palm first to check it, but we think its straight lines for a girl and circles for a boy!! did straight lines for me then circles, then straight again, maybe we will see next week when I have my 20 week scan!
I dont know the sex but keep meaning to do this!!! Im intrigued if it will work or not too, just for fun. :)
We tried this at the weekend with my Mum, she did it over her own palm first to check it, but we think its straight lines for a girl and circles for a boy!! did straight lines for me then circles, then straight again, maybe we will see next week when I have my 20 week scan!
these are so untrue... i had a wedding ring test done on me a couple of years ago to see how many kids i will have.. i was told none LOL

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