
Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2007
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I don't know whereabouts in the country you all are ladies but here in Liverpool we have been enjoying the most beautiful sunshine. I always feel happy when the sun is shining. Everywhere looks so nice, I hope it's like this when the baby is born as I know i'll make the effort to go walking! Next week is predicted to be really nice, almost a mini heatwave. Anyway my point is the weather has lifted my mood!

I wish something would happen to lift my mood! I'm stuck in grey old city of london. I went out earlier but it was too cold to appreciate any sunshine there was! Bring on the warm weather I say, I'm sick of being cold! Sorry, just realised how moany I sound- having a bad afternoon :(
It's been quite nice here in Bedfordshire too! VERY sunny but pretty cold :(
Suffolk was quite sunny today too but very cold still!
handbagqueen said:
I wish something would happen to lift my mood! I'm stuck in grey old city of london. I went out earlier but it was too cold to appreciate any sunshine there was! Bring on the warm weather I say, I'm sick of being cold! Sorry, just realised how moany I sound- having a bad afternoon :(

Its only been this last week that my mood has lifted, I have had THE worst mood swings ever. I just seem irritated and restless all the time. I'm only now beginning to enjoy my pregnancy! Hopefully the good weather next week will lift your mood hun! Although knowing this country it will change to rain by the weekend! xx
it is Fing freezing here in bristol, and i get told off for putting heating on!!! i've spent all ay fully clothed with a dressing gown over the top! we had gorgeous weather last saturday so bright and warm and wednesday we had a bit of warm sun, but now its grey and cold :( makes me reluctant to do anything or even get outta bed
clairedoran said:
handbagqueen said:
I wish something would happen to lift my mood! I'm stuck in grey old city of london. I went out earlier but it was too cold to appreciate any sunshine there was! Bring on the warm weather I say, I'm sick of being cold! Sorry, just realised how moany I sound- having a bad afternoon :(

Its only been this last week that my mood has lifted, I have had THE worst mood swings ever. I just seem irritated and restless all the time. I'm only now beginning to enjoy my pregnancy! Hopefully the good weather next week will lift your mood hun! Although knowing this country it will change to rain by the weekend! xx

Thanks Clare, its just started with me- telling complete strangers off and nearly trapped my dh in the loft just now cos he ate all my posh ginger biscuits!
Here in Marbella, it is lovely and sunny and warm... :lol: Are you jealous???? :rotfl:

Sorry, thats mean I know. TBH, at night it is cold, and cos our house has no heating (no houses here ever do!) it does get pretty chilly. I know... your hearts are bleeding for me, arent they?
Oh Ani :cry: Is there an extra room at your house?! xx
Ani said:
Here in Marbella, it is lovely and sunny and warm... :lol: Are you jealous???? :rotfl:

Sorry, thats mean I know. TBH, at night it is cold, and cos our house has no heating (no houses here ever do!) it does get pretty chilly. I know... your hearts are bleeding for me, arent they?

VERY JEALOUS! I love the warm weather. I'm sure I have that SAD syndrome, I'm a different person when the weather is nice! Maybe I could convince the hubby to move to Marbella to control my mood swings :wink: xx
It's been quite sunny here today too, although still very cold with it. We went out for an extra long special walk this morning, taking our 2 year old son and 2 year old dog. We walked through the woods down to the lake and fed the ducks, stroked the horses and generally got quite energised. It was really lovely but suddenly got very very cold after a couple of hours so made our way home. It's a shame it's still so cold as it limits the time you can spend outdoors and our son is definately an outdoor boy, he loves playing in the garden and going out walking but it's just not fair to have him out in the cold for too long. Having said that, by the time it's warmer, I will probably be the size of a house and not wanting to walk anywhere!! Oh there's just no pleasing some people! hehe x
I live in berkshire, and we had our first clouds in like 2 weeks almost! Oh i love it so just makes me feel so energised and happy :)
Im sure the weather will only get better for all these summer due babies :D
:D All beautiful and sunny with blue skys down here, but really freezing cold!
Gingercubes said:
:D All beautiful and sunny with blue skys down here, but really freezing cold!

Love your new pic! Is that you? xx
thats what ive been wondering all day lol. lots of Avatars have changed over the last two days, i noticed sherlocks has, cos it was a toilet roll and kept making me laugh lol, sad i know.

it's peed it down all day here lol. dont you just love british weather lol
Don't be too jealous - I am going to be 7 months pregnant in August, in 36, 37 degrees... eek! 8)

Regarding Gingercube's new pic: isnt that Amelie??? :D
I feel your pain!

I'm due 23rd August so will be big, fat and sweaty!!


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