Weaning at what age?


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2007
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Has anyone started weaning or given baby rice at 3 months? My mother drives me nuts saying I should start to wean him on babyrice at 3 months as he is a big boy (14.6 lbs right now) and won't be satisifed with just milk for long. Has anyone else done that or waited till 4 months+
there lil tummy arent ready to digest yet , what about hungy baby formula suppose his on this already ?

his not that big , leland was 12lb at 6 weeks corrected
He's doing absolutely find on breast and formula top ups and doesnt even need hungry baby milk, so she just thinks he knows best but she doesn't! She also thinks I should be giving him baby juice NOW inbetween feeds as its hot here in Spain! She's doing my head in. :wall: :wall:
It sounds as though he's fine hun :D

My MIL was driving me mad saying that I needed to put Jacob on hungry baby formula when he was only 4 weeks old... he didn't need it at all, I just fed him on demand and sometimes it was every 2 hours but that's what you do with newborns :roll: She insisted he need the next milk as he sould have been going 4 hours between feeds :shock: At 4 weeks... I don't think so! Anyway I got him to 9 weeks on the 1st milk. Just don't listen to your mum, she will mean well but it's a pain I know.

I would try giving him cooled boiled water inbetween feeds though, Jacob has it now. I don't think they are ment to have baby juice before 4 months.
mothers should mind their own business lol.. you know your baby.. hes doing fine hun.. he needs to be 17 weeks before baby rice really and if hes not gonna get to there maybe speak to a health visitor 1st
god lelands not having juice for aslong as i can poss make it so ! he has cooled boiled water tho and i hope i can give him water for a long time yet , once they have juice i cant see them wanting anything else !

if his not even on hungry baby milk or showin signs that he even wants weaning id tell her where to go :rotfl:
My MIL is brainwashing my OH to believing Lily is ready for solids.
She isnt even draining 7oz every feed yet :roll:
My GP has given me something to make Serena's formula thicker... to which I had to remind her that Serena's exclusively bf'd :roll: She said that I should introduce formula to her diet to help her last more than an hour between feeds and go through the night...Apparently the measures need to go in 8oz of milk... I don't even know if my boobs produce 8oz... :shock: I can only usually get 2 out during expressing... whatever it is its gluten free :think: apparently we can't introduce gluten until they are 6 month...

tbh i think its all crap.... but she was weighed today and she is 6.8kg (14lb15oz to you foreigners :lol: )...so she is a hefty one... :rotfl: we shall see...atm, the feeding every hour isn't soooo bad, nor the 4 night feeds, but I may change my mind when I start going into the office every day next week. :?
If the baby is breastfed with formula top ups he doesnt need any extra liguid - even in spain. I live here, two of my three were born in summer and they didnt have other liquids until they started solids, semi solids. Follow the peadiatricians guidelines for introducing foods, they are actually more prudent in spain than in the uk, to try to avoid allergies by introducing foods too soon.
Dont let yr mum bug ya. YOu know best, if LO is gaining normally, you are doing ok,

:hug: :hug: :hug:


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