Weaning again!


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2005
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hello, tomorrow i am trying oliver with brocolli, mixed with his rice. if he does not like it do i give it to him the next day too. to try and get him to like the taste. i think he wont like it as its a strong flavour. it want him to have veg before he gets used to sweet flavour friuts.

also when do i offer finger foods.

tpying with one hand agian!

i'd leave it a week before trying him again if he doesn't like it

youd be suprised at the foods they like
Hi hun

Hope this is off help. Try him with the brocoli and rice for a couple of days and he may or may not like it, follow his lead and maybe try other vegs, if he really doesnt like it.

Some babies do prefer sweet foods which are not necessarily bad for them but i do see your point in trying with veg.

Also im not sure how old oliver is (ticker not working), for a bout 6 months i would try him with pieces of rusks or those special cow and gate biscuits so he can start learning to suck on them and chew.

Hope this of help. PM me if you need anything else

Take care x
Hiya, He is coming up too five and a half months.
Personally i would just stick with the rice for the moment then maybe move on to some packet breakfast cereal.

He need to get his swallowing reflex b4 strating fingerfoods i think

are you going to make a lot of your own food for him?

if so i would reccomend loads of differant fruit and veggies blend them and freeze them in icecube trays then pop in to freezer bags and just get out what you want for the next day, this way when he is used to 1 food you can mix it with another he likes eg; broccoli and cauli
Hi i wouldnt start him on any finger foods yet. Give it a few more weeks then maybe start trying then
Yer I am going to home cook food for him.
With Jamie we started him on baby rice (we did it early as he's so big!) then gave him a rusk a day, he loved them.
For about a week and a half now he has veg. He went right off baby rice & wouldn't eat it, I don't blame him, its vile!

I gave him sweet potato on its own but my HV said to try him on as many flavours as poss. so i made him a sweet potato, butternutsquash, cauliflour & broccili combo. He can't get enough of it.

For his pud he has a few spoonfuls of fruit puree. He's also tried a bit of yoghurt.

I've just started giving him creamed porridge for brekkie, he opens his mouth wide and makes Mmm Mmm noises with that :lol:
Since I gave him carrot and rice Oliver wont have plain baby rice now. He has banana and rice for his breakfast. Do I put less rice and more veg/friut in evry day so he gets the stronger flavours?
Thanks, I have been wondering if he would take finger foods yet. The only thing I thought he could have would be rusks, But to much sugur in those little suckers!

You can try him with much more than that :D I've never given Ella rusks (is tempting to buy them as I lurve them) apart from trying her with the sugar free minging ones once :puke:

http://www.borstvoeding.com/voedselintr ... lines.html my bible when I first started Ella. There is so little on baby led weaning but it seems to make such a lot of sense. Hope you find it useful :)
He is not six months yet but when he is i might try baby led weaning. He always looks more interested in whwt we are eating than when I spoon feed him.

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