we had a ride in a helicopter! *luke poorly*


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
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hi all :wave:

hope you are well.

sorry haven't been in touch for a while, we had a little scare with luke this week, last sunday we took him to hospital as we noticed a lump in his tummy which was obviously causing him a lot of pain and it turned out he had an inguinal hernia which the drs suspected had strangulated so me and luke were flown by sea king helicopter to bristol childrens hospital :o where they were going to carry out emergency surgery but by the time we got there the hernia had reduced itself so therefore they decided to wait til the swelling had gone down before they operated. :?

so he had his operation on tuesday midday and we came home later that day, thank god, they were very kind to us in bristol but theres no place like home. :cheer: he has been fine post op just needing regular calpol, we took his plaster off today and you wouldn't know he had anything done because they made the incision in his crease its now almost invisable. :dance:

the worse thing for him and us was that they had to keep him nil by mouth for 10 hours sunday and 8 hours on tuesday needless to say he was starving and i just thank god for dummies!! :shakehead:

my very brave boy though, very proud of him he coped very well. :clap: :clap:

The helicopter was ace and luke was very settled i think it was the noise so i enjoyed the ride, the crew bought us easter eggs which was so kind. gary is very jealous he didn't get to go on the helicopter!! :lol:
Aww poor little man!!! I am so glad he is ok and on the mend :hug:

:hug: :hug: :hug:
OMG :shock: you poor thing, i am so glad that Luke is now ok. what an ordeal i would have been terrified.
you take care hun & your little man :hug: :hug: :hug:
:shock: How scary! Poor little thing! Glad you are home and he's on the mend now! :hug:
Gosh..........so glad everything looks to be ok now :hug: :hug: :hug:

I can't imagine the worry you went through :hug:
you must have been so worried - so glad that Luke is okay now !! :)

At least he has a pretty fab story to tell about the Helicopter ride when he is bigger
Glad to hear he is ok! How scary. Give him a big hug from me :hug:
:shock: OMG sorry i havent read this b4, poor little luke so glad hes doing well bug squeezes :hug:

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