ways to start you off


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2006
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PLEASE SOMEONE TELL ME ...... i have bad SPD and i cannot stand it anymore i really dont want to go over and be induced,(had this done twice before) to make matters worse, the mw said she is taking my period date not my scan date :x period date is 14th :shock: :shock: so i could go on for ages,my little man is ready,also the mw said my little man was 8 and half pound already :shock: tried sex, mother in laws famous malt loaf,curries going to get the pineapple out today....anymore things i can do..... :pray: :pray: xxxxxxxxx
aww huni, i really hope it starts naturally for you this time..

to be induced 2 times and having the worry of you might have to do it again, here have a :hug:

I dont know of any ways to start you off, maybe try a hot curry, then a long walk, then some pineapple when you get back, then the best bit sex.. if you do it all at once you may be in with a chance..

good luck sending labour dust your way
xxx :hug: :hug: :hug:
Lots of walking, up and down the stairs. Evening primrose oil, rasberry leaf tea (yuk) and try relaxing (easier said than done) The baby won't come if you're tense. Ask DH to give you a massage, have a glass of red wine and see what happens.

good luck. Iwas induced and it isn't much fun.....

:hug: :hug:
mmmm like the red wine bit,if i can stomach it, going to go up and down the stairs a few times!!!!!will keep you postedxxxxxthank you xxxxxx by the way wont do the wine thing yet, bit early :rotfl:
I sympathise ALOT - im now 2 days over (altho i feel like it should be more!) and have SPD. They came to do a sweep on my due day and my cervix wasnt even soft enough :wall: :cry: so they couldnt do it.

I think ive tried everything over the last 2 weeks. Caster oil being my lowest point. (loads with a pint of orange juice) - gave me the worst runs ever - but didnt do anything. - ALTHO ive read it does work for somewoman. - check it out on the net.
I tried eating a whiole pineapple yestrerday -made my tongue sore... and nothing else. Walkings hard for me so i havent done that 'that' much. Ive had lots of sex and still nothing.

babys determined to make a grand entrance at my sisters wedding this thursday i think lmao. (my sisters worsed fear)

if anyone else has a birth secert!!!! ill pay good money lmao!!! :rotfl:

p.s. boucing on a birthing ball is ment to be good too.
amy said:
mmmm like the red wine bit,if i can stomach it, going to go up and down the stairs a few times!!!!!will keep you postedxxxxxthank you xxxxxx by the way wont do the wine thing yet, bit early :rotfl:

:rotfl: :rotfl:
No, best wait until later! Have a nice soak in the bath first.........oh, and you could try Verbena oil. My midwife told me it's meant to help stimulate contractions (they are well into herbal stuff over here :wink: )

Good luck!
sorry i hav no tips- sex was the only one i knew of which is supposed to work! i take it it doesnt?

amy and rachel i hope ur babies arrive soon for u!

good luck rachel sending you lots of labour dust..... xxxxx :hug: :hug:
well i just found out i have SPD too... i just want to sit here till i go in labour... but i've got 5 more weeks :cry:
In all honesty i dont think anything works, baby will come when its ready. I'm nearly 6 days over now, in the past 5 days alone i have tried:-
3.Long walk
5.Raspberry leaf tea from 37 weeks
7.Two hot curries
8.Nipple stimulation

AND I'M STILL HERE!!!!!!!!! :rotfl:
Apparently bouncing on a trampoline is very effective, but not all that safe I imagine... :think:
claire81 said:
In all honesty i dont think anything works, baby will come when its ready.

Completly agree! if you could 'make' your baby come out NO ONE would ever in thier right mind go over due!!

I dont know i think certain things work for certain people.
I was also induced and i hated it hope LO decides to come soon
had some wine :puke: :puke: no signs...... going to try pineapple...wont be doing the sex thing as me and oh have fell out, he got drunk last night and was a right t**t he really upset me :cry: ........xxxxxxxxxx

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