

Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2011
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i got up before and it was like a gush came out not loads it doesnt smell like pee it smelt sweet it was enough to make it come down my legs sorry TMI
what u think it cud be?
Anyone else had this
deffo ring labour ward/midwife hun, sounds like ur waters x
al give them a ring thanks for the help :)
thts what i had with my son at 31 weeks and it was my waters.
better to be safe thn sorry eh :) x
just got back i have to go back in tommorrow to see them if i have been leaking through the night (tmi) if so there going to put me on antibiotics to stop infection
did they check inside to see if they had gone or not? x
yeh they done a spectum but she said that cause i thought that not all my waters had gone she said it can close up again or something like that
May have been ur bk waters that broke. But keep an eye on it as it's still early
my mam said this cause same happened when she was pregnant with my brother
try not to worry, mine done same i just turned 29 weeks but they closed up and refilled so god nose what hapend to make him play games lol
Keep an eye on it Hun but pls call the someone just to be safe hun
my hind waters broke at 20 weeks, as long as they keep an eye youll be ok! xx

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