Watching kids TV..good or bad?


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2005
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Hi, Isaac is nearly 2.

The last week or so Isaac has started to enjoy watching kids TV. We always said we wouldnt let him watch too much TV but he loves it and tbh I don't know I've got him most of the day now! Its like I've got a bit of time back to do things rather than keep him amused all day. He still plays with his toys but he stops and has a little laugh at the tele or a little jump in the air and then he's off again. Every now and again too he gets on the sofa and rests his head on a cushion and watches the tele.

Am I a bad mum for letting him do this?

Lou :?
if he doesnt have square eyes or screams at u when u turn the tv off, Id say hes fine lol

whats he watchin? at the mo I have Sportacus off Lazytown jumpin around my tv while Jam has his lunch! :lol:
Its easy to say, I'll not use the TV as an electronic babysitter, before the baby pops out... but if you are at home alone all day with the baby, and you need to take care of other chores too... then theres no harm in letting them watch TV. As long as you aren't letting them watch things that arn't appropriate for their age group.

I used to leave the TV on for Tia when I needed to get something done... at first it was to keep her occupied while I hung the laundry out, or had to clean up from breakfast... now its used to exact punishment.. lol..

You won't stop kids watching tele... but it can be used as quite a good bribery tool when they are older... Now Tia knows if she dawdles with her homework, she'll have to go to bed without watching any tele or if she doesn't do her homework Friday night, she doesn't get to watch Saturday morning cartoons.

I can assure you that homework is always finished on a Friday night... :rotfl: :rotfl:
Thanks girls! Isaac watches CBeebies so its all kids stuff he is watching. He doesn't mind if I turn it off, I usually do turn it off when we play because it distracts him from whatever we are sat down playing with. Like you said I was one of the people who said they wouldn't use TV to babysit my kids but now I think well if he likes it then it'll be ok. I mean we have favourite TV shows we remember from when we were kids and Isaac has a good balance of being at home and being outdoors, camping and having lots of days out.

I need reassurance I think !! Does the worry of being rubbish ever end when you have kids?

Lou :)
Er... no... and then they get old enough to tell you directly that you are ruining their lives... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Brody watches a bit of TV, like you said though he won't watching for ages, just a few mins at a time.
I'm not worried about it cos I know I do loads of other stuff with him, we go to the children's farm about once a fortnight, he goes to toddler group twice a week etc. Sometimes it's good they can just sit an be entertained so you can get things done or just have a cuppa!
Or sit on this forum for hours.... :lol:

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