Was Your Scan Right?


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2006
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Well my OH has now made me paranoid coz apparently a bloke he works with were meant to be having twin girls, 3 different scans said they were girls... and guess what they came out as... 2 BOYS!!.

So it made me wonder how often are they actually wrong? and share you're stories :)

Well my scan was really reasuring as there was the line " from that angle it looks like a boy... but from this angle it looks like a girl". but then they decided boy so i just took their word for it :lol:
Mine was spot on. I had a scan at 28 weeks and there was no mistaking Sam was a boy :D
Mine was right. I was a bit nervous after the NHS scan as she didn't show me how she knew, but at the 4D scan i was shown which bits were her 'lady bits' and so i was more confident then!
Mine was right, although it's not unheard of to be wrong. I got excited being told it was a girl but my OH told me not get my hopes too high as it could still be wrong.
When she was born they never confirmed it. I checked. Then when i said she was a girl the MW came to have a look!!! Like i'd be wrong! :?
Do you know what, i was talking to OH about this the other day, we have been buying pink things, got our girls name etc etc and now im petrified she's going to turn out to be a boy!!

I told OH when we go and have another 4D scan done i am going to ask them to clarify what sex she is just for my piece of mind :lol:
I got told girl and they were right but i do have a friend who got told she was having a girl and it turned out to be a boy.
well this is boring i thought more might have got it wrong :lol:
I never found out what i was having so cant answer you on that one, altho when i had a growth scan, at 35 weeks they said she was 5lb., she was only 4lb 9oz when borm
i had a private scan at 21 weeks and was told it was a boy and he was :)
we did get a photo of his balls and willy so i would of been very shocked if he came out a girl :D
Wrong for Paris (said boy and came out girl) and right for Harrison :D
Right for us!

I bet your hoping he comes out a she arent you!! :lol:
lfc_sarah said:
Right for us!

I bet your hoping he comes out a she arent you!! :lol:
nah i int bothered just paranoid now :lol: but i think this has shown that usually they are right!
We had a zillion and one scans, we were told girl everytime we asked and she came out as a girl.
Was correct at 20week scan, had a private scan at 32 just to double check though.

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