Has anyone else got this email - I'm sure I've heard this as an Urban Myth but I wanted to spread the word coz I know if anything happened I'd feel terrible for saying nothing. Plus one of my mates is a manager at one of the stores and it was one of her staff which apprently reported this :shock: So it's either true or she is a lier :shock:

This has spread like wildfire around Milton Keynes and surrounding to all those who may visit. I've blanked the store name just incase there is any legal thing on forums that I have to because of the nature of the email.

To all,
A girl at work has told us the following:-
Her mother works in ****** in the City Center and earlier in the week a
Muslim gentleman came in and made a purchase. He left his wallet on the
counter; she ran after the man and returned his wallet. He offered her
money, which she didn't except as she said she was just doing her job.
The man said if I can't give you money then let me give you a tip "Don't
be here on the 11th".

Obviously I don't know how real or serious this is, but thought it would
be wise to bear this in mind and play it safe. Might be worth
circulating this email just to stay on the safe side. Just to let you
know the police have been informed, so I assume this will be taken
seriously with extra safety measures taken. Out of interest the date is
11 / 12 - would you expect something to happen at 13.00 hrs ? 11 / 12 /
13? That's just my though.

I hope it's a hoax, but better safe than sorry.
lol awww bless you hun.

thats been going around since the whole september 11th thing, its a very old hoax, seen it so many times.

you dont have to worry :)

I think this is a hoax to be honest, just after the 9/11 my friend's mother supposedly was apprached by a muslim guy after she had helped him off a bus, and he told her to stay away from Birmingham on a certain date. I spoke with a mate who works in Birmingham and they too had recieved a similar email but nothing happened. I understand what you mean about feeling bad if you said nothing but I really don't think its serious. You get to hear a lot of these at the moment, I have been told by three people that they all knew a little boy who supposedly smuggled a penguin out of Drayton Manor Park.
I thought it was all a load of kack but I didnt want to not say anything just incase I was wrong!! :oops:
In the urban myth version it's usually someone who was told to stay away from the twin towers on 11 September.

Did your mate actually speak to the person who reported it, or did she just hear that it had been reported to another manager at another branch? The longer the trail to the actual reportee, the less likely it is to be true....
My mate is the Manager of the store. It was one of her staff members who reported it 'apprently' to another member of staff who told my friend (the manager). I think the staff memeber must have read the email and along the way of it getting to my friend it got all messed up.

The Centre:MK is on standby though for any possible attacks just incase, so they can't say they wern't taking a threat seriously I guess.

I hate all this bloody nonsense. Why can't everyone just bloody get along and stop scaremongering :(
I checked it up on snopes.com- has all the urban myths on - as I felt bad in case it wasn't a hoax. But there is a long line of these emails. This link describes the Birmingham one


Quite an interesting website, has some pregnancy ones, plus the usual horrer ones. Also explains film myths such as the ghost in 3 men and a baby (that used to scare me when I was little)
Yeah, apparently it was of a little boy, and it was in the scene where Ted Danson,s mother comes over to visit, and you can see the "boy" in the background. But its not that at all apparently according to snopes. To be honest though it still scares me a little bit :oops: Whenever its on tv I have to close my eyes
LOL Beanie about the penguin story, a girl at work told me it was someone she knew.......did it end up with the little boy hiding the peguin in the bath with him!!! :lol:

I always watch out for the ghost in three men........ I swear it's real, it looks it!
Two times the penguin ended up in the bath, the third time they found it in the bedroom. I love it, all three swear it's true and that thye know the boy

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