Wanting to stop


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2007
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I'm trying to stop smoking. Well.... I have been trying, and then I stopped trying when other things in my life got a bit crappy a few weeks ago.

My OH and I have smoked for years and enjoyed our cigs. He stopped almost a year ago when we started thinking about planning a family (but not trying for one at that point). I tried to stop too and failed.

I keep thinking that once I get a BFP then I'll stop because it wont be 'for me' it'll be 'for the baby', but I'm not sure I'll have the will power to stick to it.

In the last few years two of my friends have had babies, both smokers. One smoked cigs and the occasional joint through out her pregnancy, the other stopped but had the occasional puff, and has started smoking again now the baby is born (but never in the house or round her baby). The first seems unfussed about having cigs (although she acknowleges she really should not be having weed) and the other racked herself with guilt the whole time.

Both had their babies early (the first friend has always had her babies early, the second friend was induced because she's diabetic) and both had a few problems with their baby's health as a result. Both babies are perfectly fine and healthy now though.

What I want to know is: is being pregant enough of a boost to get people's will power working, and if I was to slip up and have the odd fag, how much damage would I be doing?
I think the level of damage done and wether any is done atall varies from person to person, but theres no denying its a massive risk in so many respects.

With my first baby I quit as soon as I found out I was pregnant, it was psycological and exactly as you say - its not just my health any more but the health of a baby. I started smoking again when she was a couple of months old after my first night out after having her and thinking "oh I'll just have a couple as im out" and then having a few left in my bag the bext day - you know how it is lol. I never smoked in the house or around her though.

With my 2nd, I actually suspected I was pregnant when smoking started to make me feel sick, and so I quit again - for nearly 3 years that time.

Ive recently kind of quit as we are trying, and I done that by cutting down to 5 menthol a day for a few weeks, then cutting them out one at a time. I admit I still smoke a little bit, maybe a couple in the evening a couple of times a weeek, but im counting on that psycological factor kicking in when i get pregnant - ive never quit without it and dont know if I could. :oops:

But its not the same for everyone, im just going on my own personal experience.

Good luck and theres loads of support here if you need it :hug:
Thanks for that!

I know I can quit as I did once before, for about 4 years. That was because not smoking got me something I wanted. A guy, actually, who said he'd never date a smoker. When that hit the rocks the cigs came back. So maybe I do just need that insentive of a greater importance than my craving...
You can do it, i did it and i smoked loads! I quit when i was pregnant with my first child but started working in a pub when he was 8 months old and someone offered me a fag, i took it and stupidly started again!
Smoked for another 2 half years till i was preg with number 2 and told tommo i was pregnant and threw my fags in the bin and my healthy baby is the best \reason for me not smoking and i vow not to start again after i have had my baby as well.

Just think everytime you smoke when pregnant its like cutting off your babys oxygen supply.
But i wont go on as i know its a sensitive topic and everyone has their own reasons for smoking, pregnant or not.
I think you're right. Sometimes I get light headed when I smoke, and I'm pretty sure its a lack of oxygen. It makes sence that if it does that to me, any baby I carry will suffer.

I'll keep that comment where I can see it!
hey lexxi..

I cut down first when we were ttc.... used the gum to do it.. got down to 3/4 day, i think that helped.. it wasnt easy but the gum is actually very good

i found out i was pg a couple of days ago and havent touched one, at them moment its pretty easy.. ( how long that will last i don't know) I think you have to do whatever you feel you need to... for me it will unfortunately be avoiding my friends for a while - they are big pub goers and a couple of them are heavy smokers.. and as it the pub where i usually cave i'm just staying away.

YOU CAN DO IT.... :hug:
I think it will be a hell of a lot easier for us all once the smoking ban is in, its already here in wales and ive quickly lost the association of pub = fags. Its funny how you associate different situations with smoking but now one of the biggest is cut out its so much easier!

Thats how I started again every time, going to the pub!

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