Waiting for the post...


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2010
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Hey, I live in Wiltshire and am 8wks tomorrow. I am so impatient and can't wait for my appointment letter to come through that letter box telling me when my 12wk scan is, which according to my magazines, can happen anything from 10-14wks and I should get the letter from 8wks onwards.

When did you ladies get your letter and have your 12wk scan??? :whistle:(me waiting)
i didn't get a letter - my midwife gave me the details of when it would be at my first appointment with her at 9 weeks. but i no different areas of the country to it differently x
I'm still waiting, am seeing the midwife on friday where i'll be 11+1 so fingers crossed its not long for the scan!

Why do they always make you wait???? Its so frustrating!
I've not seen a midwife yet- appointment is for 13+1. 12 week scan is tomorrow and I got the letter at 6 weeks.
I've got my first midwife appointment tomorrow. She is coming to our house so have been busy cleaning!! I'm hoping she will give me a scan date tomorrow.
My midwife booked it for me at my first appointment, she just rang the hospital and told me the date/time then I got a confirmation letter through the post about 2 weeks later. I had first scan at 13 weeks exactly
I had to ring up for mine a week after the booking in appointment allowing 5 working days for the copy of my notes to have arrived at the hospital before I called.
got mine the week before my scan so when they thought I was 11 weeks U had my scan at what I thought was 12+0 but they put my dates back to 10+3 (thought I was never gonna get out of 1sttri :rofl:
i've got to see midwife next wednesday, found out I was pregnant last thursday and hubby called docs to get an appointment and they said I now see midwife not sure what to expect as will only be 7 weeks
Seems like it varies quite alot then!

kellylou - I had my midwifes appt at 5weeks, apparantly that was really early!!
I didn't get mine until 6 days before the scan... I was almost pouncing on my poor postman every day for weeks :lol:
Went to the doc on the Tues, came away with my midwife appt booked, and letter arrived from hospital on the Friday re 12wk scan. Though that was super-efficient until I realised they'd got my surname wrong! :lol:

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